
17 results arranged by date

Russian journalist Gleb Sokolov briefly detained while covering 1-man protest in Moscow 

Berlin, March 29, 2022 – Russian authorities should drop all charges against journalist Gleb Sokolov and allow him and other journalists to work freely, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Tuesday.  On Tuesday, March 29, law enforcement officers in Moscow detained Sokolov, a correspondent for the independent news website Sota.Vision, for allegedly failing to wear…

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Russian authorities harass, detain journalists with independent news outlet Sota.Vision

Paris, March 25, 2022 – Russian authorities should stop harassing journalists from the independent news website Sota.Vision, and allow all members of the press to work freely, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Friday. Since March 7, authorities have detained at least seven journalists with Sota.Vision, including two who were sentenced to multiple days in…

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Russia-Ukraine watch

How the war is affecting press freedom in the region Updated June 16, 2022 Russia’s February 24 full-scale invasion of Ukraine marked a sharp escalation in threats to press freedom in the region and beyond. Journalists in Ukraine have been killed covering the war, while many of their Russian counterparts have fled or faced persecution….

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Across Russia, journalists detained, threatened over coverage of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

Washington, D.C., February 28, 2022 – Russian authorities must allow reporters to do their jobs covering the country’s invasion of Ukraine and protests against the war without fear of punitive retaliation, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Monday.  At least five journalists are facing charges and dozens more were detained across Russia following their coverage…

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Police detain 2 journalists who covered art performance in Moscow’s Red Square

Vilnius, Lithuania, June 15, 2021 — Russian authorities should stop detaining and harassing journalists for their work, and should drop any investigation into reporters Veronika Samusik and Vasiliy Krestyaninov, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. On June 11, Moscow police detained Samusik, a correspondent with the independent news website Sota.Vision, while she was covering a performance…

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At least 10 journalists detained while covering pro-Navalny rallies in Russia

Vilnius, Lithuania, April 22, 2021 — Russian authorities should stop harassing journalists and allow members of the press to cover political demonstrations without fear, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Yesterday, police detained at least 10 journalists and harassed several others in relation to their coverage of unauthorized protests in support of jailed Russian…

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Police arrest, fine journalists covering protests in Russian far east; 3 remain in detention

New York, November 16, 2020 – Russian authorities should immediately release all journalists detained while covering recent protests, and ensure that the press can cover demonstrations freely, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Since November 5, police have detained at least six journalists covering protests in the eastern city of Khabarovsk, which have been…

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