Press Council of Pakistan

2 results arranged by date

A newspaper vendor is seen in Karachi, Pakistan, on October 7, 2018. The country is currently considering establishing courts specifically for media-related issues. (Reuters/Akhtar Soomro)

CPJ concerned about Pakistan media court initiative

Washington, D.C., September 18, 2019 — Pakistan’s federal cabinet has approved an initiative to establish specialized courts aimed at resolving media-related issues, the government announced yesterday, according to news reports. The proposal drew swift condemnation on social media from human rights and press freedom organizations.

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Journalists work during a demonstration on May 3, 2018, to mark World Press Freedom Day in Islamabad, Pakistan. (Faisal Mahmood/Reuters)

Pakistani authorities disrupt distribution of Dawn newspaper

New York, May 22, 2018–Pakistani authorities should immediately halt any restrictions on the distribution of Dawn newspaper in Pakistan, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Distribution of the newspaper has been disrupted in many parts of the country in recent weeks, Dawn editor Zaffar Abbas told CPJ.

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