Precious Owolabi

2 results arranged by date

CPJ calls for journalists’ safety to be protected amid Nigeria protests

New York, October 21, 2020–Nigerian authorities should ensure that journalists are able to do their jobs freely and safely while covering protests against police brutality in the country, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. In recent days, local media have reported violence against protesters and journalists during the demonstrations in Nigeria, which began as…

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Members of National Youth Service Corp carry the body of their colleague, the reporter Precious Owolabi, in Abuja on July 23. Owolabi was shot while covering protests in the Nigeria capital. (AFP/Kola Sulaimon)

Channels TV reporter dies from injuries after shooting at Nigeria protest

New York, July 25, 2019–Nigerian authorities should immediately investigate the death of Precious Owolabi, a reporter for the privately owned Channels TV, who was shot during a protest in Abuja on July 22, and ensure those responsible are held to account.

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