People Daily

2 results arranged by date

Headshot of People Daily reporter Douglas Dindi

Journalist says Kenyan official threatened to kill him over report on ambulance shortages

Kampala, June 7, 2024—Kenyan authorities should credibly investigate reports that a government official threatened to kill reporter Douglas Dindi, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Friday. Dindi, who works with the People Daily newspaper, told CPJ that on May 20, David Alilah, Chief Officer of Medical Services in Kenya’s western Kakamega County, threatened to kill…

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The Parliament buildings in Nairobi, Kenya on May 2, 2018. Dinah Ondari and Anthony Mwangi, journalists with Kenya's People Daily newspaper, were criticized during a parliamentary session, threatened with being barred from covering parliament, and summoned by a legislative committee during the week of July 30, 2018, according to the July 31 Hansard, a verbatim report of proceedings in parliament. (Reuters/Thomas Mukoya)

Kenyan parliamentarians harass journalists following corruption allegations

Nairobi, August 3, 2018–Parliamentarians in Kenya should stop harassing journalists and allow them to report on the legislature without fear of reprisal, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

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