Novaya Gazeta Europe

4 results arranged by date

Image of three journalists spliced together.

Pegasus spyware targeted exiled journalists from Russia, Latvia, Belarus, report finds

New York, May 30, 2024—The Committee to Protect Journalists is deeply troubled by a Thursday report by rights group Access Now and research organization Citizen Lab alleging that Pegasus spyware was used to surveil at least five journalists. The report, “Exiled, then spied on: Civil society in Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland targeted with Pegasus spyware,”…

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Apple warns Latvia-based journalists about possible hacker attacks

New York, September 15, 2023—The Committee to Protect Journalists on Friday issued an urgent call for authorities to investigate allegations that journalists working in Latvia were targeted by state-sponsored hackers. CPJ’s call follows reports on Thursday—a day after the disclosure that the phone of exiled Russian journalist Galina Timchenko had been infected by Pegasus spyware—that…

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Russia labels 3 more journalists – including Nobel laureate Dmitry Muratov – as ‘foreign agents’ 

New York, September 8, 2023—Russian authorities should stop intimidating outlets and journalists by labeling them as “foreign agents” and let them work freely, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Friday. On September 1, the Russian Ministry of Justice added three journalists—including Nobel laureate Dmitry Muratov—to its list of so-called “foreign agents,” accusing them of helping…

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Russia bans independent outlet Novaya Gazeta Europe, adds to ‘undesirable’ list

New York, June 29, 2023—Russian authorities should stop silencing outlets by labeling them as “undesirable,” and let the independent news outlet Novaya Gazeta Europe work freely, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Thursday. On Wednesday, June 28, the Russian general prosecutor’s office declared the activity of the outlet’s legal entity, BDR Novaja Gazeta-Europe, “undesirable” and…

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