National Review

2 results arranged by date

A woman looks at the Twitter feed of President Donald Trump in November 2018. Trump uses Twitter to make policy announcements and also to rail against critical press coverage. (STF/AFP)

From fake news to enemy of the people: An anatomy of Trump’s tweets

Since announcing his candidacy in the 2016 presidential elections to the end of his second year in office, U.S. President Donald Trump has sent 1,339 tweets about the media that were critical, insinuating, condemning, or threatening. In lieu of formal appearances as president, Trump has tweeted over 5,400 times to his more than 55.8 million…

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Transition to Trump: When a president-elect tweets, the trolls take aim

As a new presidential administration prepares to take over the U.S., CPJ examines the status of press freedom, including the challenges journalists face from surveillance, harassment, limited transparency, the questioning of libel laws, and other factors.

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