National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC)

2 results arranged by date

At least 5 journalists harassed or assaulted covering pre-election events in Mozambique

New York, June 7, 2024 – Mozambican authorities should investigate the harassment and assault of at least five journalists covering election-related events since March, and take concrete steps to ensure the press can freely and safely report on matters of crucial public interest leading up to the country’s October general elections, said the Committee to…

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Two journalists in Mozambique attacked by police while covering officer’s funeral

New York, August 15, 2022—Mozambican authorities must investigate and hold to account police officers who assaulted two broadcast reporters and ensure that journalists are able to report freely and without fear, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Monday.  On August 4, reporters for privately owned broadcaster Tua Televisão, Alexandre Eusébio and Ivaldo Novela, were assaulted…

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