Manuel Zelaya

5 results arranged by date

Journalist sentenced to jail for defamation in Honduras

Honduran journalist Julio Ernesto Alvarado was convicted on charges of criminal defamation on December 9, 2013, according to local human rights groups. The Supreme Court of Justice sentenced the journalist, who hosts the news program “Mi Nación” on Globo TV, to 16 months in prison on charges of damaging the reputation of the rector of…

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TV journalist murdered in Honduras

New York, December 9, 2013–The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on authorities to launch a full investigation into the murder on Saturday of a Honduran journalist, identify a motive, and bring those responsible to justice.

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Anibal Barrow (AFP)

Kidnapped reporter found dead in Honduras

New York, July 11, 2013–The body of Honduran radio journalist Aníbal Barrow was found on Tuesday on the riverbank of a lagoon near the city of San Pedro Sula, according to news reports. Barrow had been kidnapped from his car on June 24, the reports said.”We are saddened by the death of journalist Aníbal Barrow…

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Unidentified gunmen kidnap Honduran TV journalist

New York, June 25, 2013–Authorities must do everything in their power to ensure the safe release of Honduran television journalist Aníbal Barrow, who was abducted on Monday, and to bring the kidnappers to justice, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

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Armed men shoot at TV journalist in Honduras

New York, April 10, 2013–Unidentified gunmen apparently fired upon a Honduran TV journalist whose work had included coverage of a sensitive land conflict, according to news reports. The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on authorities to conduct a thorough and effective investigation that leads to arrests in the attack against journalist Fidelina Sandoval, who was…

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