
120 results arranged by date

New Russian immigration laws require regular medical tests, fingerprinting

New York, February 2, 2022 – Russian authorities should ensure that international journalists can work freely and safely and are not singled-out by new medical regulations, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Wednesday. On December 29, 2021, new amendments to two laws – “On legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation” and “On…

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Proposed internet bill in Myanmar imposes 3-year prison sentences for VPN use

Bangkok, January 31, 2022 – Myanmar authorities should scrap proposed cybersecurity legislation that would severely threaten press freedom, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Monday. In a letter dated January 13, Myanmar’s Ministry of Transport and Communications, controlled by the country’s military since the February 2021 coup, stated that a decision had been made to…

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CPJ joins call urging Polish president to veto media bill

The Committee to Protect Journalists today joined 16 other media and press freedom organizations in a letter calling on Polish President Andrzej Duda to veto an amendment to the country’s broadcast media law. The letter states that the amendment “poses a fundamental threat to media freedom and pluralism in Poland,” and calls it a “direct…

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Colombian legislature passes anti-corruption bill that threatens press freedom

Miami, December 10, 2021 – Colombian President Iván Duque should veto a portion of the anti-corruption bill recently passed by the country’s legislature that threatens press freedom, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. On December 6, the Colombian Chamber of Representatives passed Bill 369, the “Anti-Corruption Bill,” which includes an article that could be…

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Two hands hold a phone depicting a branded table for sale and text.

Iran’s parliament moves forward with troubling bill to further restrict internet

Washington, D.C., November 1, 2021 ­­— The Committee to Protect Journalists expressed concern today that Iran’s parliament is moving ahead with a restrictive internet bill, despite objections from citizens and international observers.   The legislation, the Cyberspace Users Rights Protection and Regulation of Key Online Services Bill, was undergoing review by a parliamentary subcommittee in…

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Maldives legislature considers bill that could force journalists to reveal sources

Washington, D.C., October 1, 2021 — Maldives legislators must reject a provision of the proposed Evidence Bill that would allow courts to compel journalists and media outlets to reveal their sources, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. The bill, which CPJ reviewed, includes a broad provision allowing courts to order outlets and journalists to…

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CPJ joins call for European Parliament to strengthen Digital Services Act

The Committee to Protect Journalists today joined 13 freedom of expression and digital rights organizations in a letter calling on members of the European Parliament to ensure that the proposed Digital Services Act protects freedom of expression. The draft legislation, which is currently being reviewed, will become binding legislation for all EU member states once…

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Polish parliament to vote on media bill targeting broadcaster TVN24

Berlin, September 15, 2021 — Polish lawmakers should reject an amendment to the country’s broadcast media law that threatens the independence of commercial television broadcaster TVN24, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. The draft amendment, which CPJ reviewed, would change Article 35 of the Broadcasting Act to restrict broadcast licenses solely to companies that…

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Cuba passes regulations criminalizing online content, further restricting internet access

Miami, August 19, 2021 — The Committee to Protect Journalists today condemned the enactment of new telecommunications regulations in Cuba that will further censor information on the island, and called for their immediate repeal. On August 17, the Cuban government enacted new regulations that criminalize the sharing of “false” and “offensive” information online, and grant…

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Kyrgyzstan parliament approves ‘false information’ bill

Stockholm, August 10, 2021 – Kyrgyzstan President Sadyr Japarov should reject legislation approved by parliament that imperils press freedom in the country, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. On July 28, the Jogorku Kengesh, the country’s parliament, approved the bill “On Protection from Inaccurate (False) Information” by a vote of 97 to 5, according…

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