Lamissia Adoularc

2 results arranged by date

CPJ alarmed by Cameroonian authorities’ use of administrative detention law

Dakar, May 29, 2024 — The Committee to Protect Journalists is highly concerned by a Cameroonian administrator’s use of a law granting him the ability to indefinitely detain journalist Engelbert Mfomo in what he said was retribution for his critical reporting. Cameroonian authorities must reform the country’s laws to ensure journalists cannot be detained for…

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Detained reporter Adoularc

Cameroonian reporter detained after questioning arrests

New York, April 1, 2011–Using a vague criminal code provision allowing authorities to detain individuals deemed a threat to public order, a provincial governor in Cameroon threw a journalist in prison on Wednesday for inquiring about the arrests of two employees of a state-run palm oil company, according to local journalists.

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