Khushvakht Haydarsho

2 results arranged by date

CPJ requests information on 29 murdered journalists

Dear Mr. Imomov: Joel Simon, Josh Friedman, and I appreciated the opportunity to meet with you on July 21 to discuss the Committee to Protect Journalists’ (CPJ) list of 29 journalists who were murdered during and after Tajikistan’s civil war.

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CPJ sends letter to foreign minister requesting information on press freedom abuses

Your Excellency: Joel Simon and I enjoyed the opportunity to meet with you and Ambassador Rashid Alimov on April 19 to discuss press freedom conditions in Tajikistan. We very much appreciate Your Excellency’s commitment to review a letter from us outlining our concerns and a number of press freedom cases we have documented. Unfortunately, government harassment, intimidation, and censorship regularly stifle press freedom in Tajikistan. The political factionalism that erupted during the 1992-1993 civil war, as well as the murders of many journalists killed during the conflict, has lead to widespread self-censorship.

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