Karachi Union of Journalists

2 results arranged by date

Pakistani journalists demonstrated in January after the killing of TV reporter Wali Khan Babar in Karachi. (AP/Shakil Adil)

Another journalist targeted in Karachi as violence surges

New York, April 21, 2011–An outburst of violence took the lives of at least 20 people in a bomb blast and targeted attacks in Karachi on Wednesday and Thursday. The huge port city of more than 13 million people is caught in a gangland-style turf war made worse by sectarian and political conflict, according to…

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Pakistani journalist abducted, released in Karachi

New York, March 22, 2001–The Committee to Protect journalists joins with colleagues in Pakistan in calling for an immediate investigation into Monday’s abduction and abuse of senior journalist and vice president of the Karachi Union of Journalists, Mohammad Rafique Baloch.

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