Javad Mahzadeh

2 results arranged by date

More than 100 dissidents and journalists faced vague antistate accusations during a mass judicial proceeding in August. (AP)

With 52 journalists in jail, Iran hits new, shameful record

New York, March 9, 2010—The number of journalists in jail rose in February as a relentless media crackdown continues in Iran. Authorities are now holding at least 52 journalists in prison, a third of all those in jail around the world, according to the latest monthly survey by the Committee to Protect Journalists.

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Imprisoned reporter Shiva Nazar Ahari

With 47 journalists in jail, Iran sets notorious records

New York, February 3, 2010—Iranian authorities are now holding at least 47 journalists in prison, more than any single country has imprisoned since 1996, according to a new survey by the Committee to Protect Journalists. While many of the detainees were arrested in the aftermath of the disputed June presidential election, CPJ’s survey found that authorities…

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