Invisible Tibet

2 results arranged by date

Tibetan writer Tsering Woeser, seen here in a 2008 photo, has been placed under house arrest along with her husband, author Wang Lixiong. (AP/Ng Han Guan)

China puts Tibetan writer and husband under house arrest amid Kerry visit

New York, July 9, 2014–Chinese authorities should immediately release two writers who have been placed under house arrest in Beijing, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. The move comes as China hosts U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry.

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In this photo taken February 27, Chinese paramilitary and riot police stand guard near barricades set up along the main street of a Tibetan monastery town in Sichuan province. (AP/Gillian Wong)

‘Invisible Tibet’ blogger elicits China’s extra-judicial ire

Beijing-based blogger Woeser reported on her website Invisible Tibet today that she has been confined to her residence by Beijing public security officers who are stationed outside her home. Woeser, an outspoken critic of Chinese government policies in Tibet, has written about a series of recent self-immolations among monks and arrests of writers in western…

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