Eren Erdem

5 results arranged by date

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan speaks during a parliamentary group meeting at the Grand National Assembly of Turkey in Ankara on June 25, 2019. Two journalists are to stand trial, in separate cases, on charges of insulting the president. (AFP/Adem Altan)

Turkey Crackdown Chronicle: Week of June 23, 2019

‘Insult’ trial for Free Journalists Initiative spokesperson Hakkı Boltan, a spokesperson for the Free Journalists Initiative (ÖGİ), is due to stand trial in Diyarbakır on charges of “insulting the president” and “insulting a public servant because of their duty,” the news website Gazete Karınca reported. The charges are related to Boltan’s public statements about President…

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Turkey Crackdown Chronicle: Week of March 3, 2019

Journalist and former CHP politician sentenced An Istanbul court on March 1 convicted Eren Erdem, the former chief editor for the defunct daily Karşı and a former parliamentary deputy in the main opposition party CHP, of “knowingly and willingly helping a [terrorist] organization without being involved in the organization’s hierarchical structure,” and sentenced him to…

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A view of the Bosphorus strait in Istanbul on January 28. Journalist Ayşe Düzkan has started serving an 18-month prison sentence in an Istanbul prison over her participation in the Özgür Gündem solidarity campaign. (AFP/Ozan Kose)

Turkey Crackdown Chronicle: Week of January 28, 2019

Düzkan starts jail term for Özgür Gündem campaignJournalist Ayşe Düzkan started serving an 18-month prison sentence in Bakırköy Women’s Prison in Istanbul on January 29 over her participation in a solidarity campaign with the daily newspaper Özgür Gündem, the independent news website Bianet reported. A court sentenced Düzkan in November. Before turning herself in, Düzkanb…

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President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, pictured at a meeting in Ankara on January 1. The president said this week that recent reforms have made Turkey's press more democratic. (AFP/Kayhan Ozer)

Turkey Crackdown Chronicle: Week of January 7, 2019

Erdoğan says Turkish media is ‘more democratic’ In a message to mark Working Journalists’ Day–a local press freedom day on January 10–Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said, “The reforms actualized in the past 16 years have enabled the Turkish press to be richer, diverse, and meet a more democratic and liberal structure,” Duvar reported.

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Binali Yıldırım, pictured giving a speech at Turkey's Grand Assembly in March 2018. A court ordered the daily Evrensel to pay damages to the former prime minister over its caricature of him. (AFP/Adem Altan)

Turkey Crackdown Chronicle: Week of November 1, 2018

Journalists in court An Istanbul court on November 5 convicted Yasir Kaya, a sports journalist formerly with Fenerbahçe TV or FBTV, of “being a member of a [terrorist] organization” and sentenced him to six years and three months in prison, according to reports. Kaya remained free pending appeal, according to the report. CPJ previously documented…

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