
18 results arranged by date

On May 21, Awami Awaz newspaper reporter Nasrullah Gadani suffered critical gunshot wounds after an attack in Pakistan's Kori Goth area of the Ghotki district in Sindh province. Gadani died May 24 in a Karachi hospital, and he is the fourth journalist to be killed in the country this month. (Screenshot Awaz TV News/YouTube)

4 journalists killed in Pakistan, others attacked, in May

New York, May 29, 2024—The Committee to Protect Journalists is deeply alarmed by the continued killings of journalists in Pakistan, including four in May so far, and calls on Pakistan authorities to immediately investigate these incidents, hold those responsible to account, and end the wave of violence against journalists in the country. The killings represent…

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As ruling party fans spew online abuse, Pakistan’s female journalists call for government action

On August 16, Ramsha Jahangir should have been celebrating a journalistic triumph, the release of a long, deeply reported cover story for the weekend magazine of Pakistan’s Dawn newspaper on the government’s social media strategy and image-building. Instead, she spent the day watching in horror as a torrent of abuse filled her social media feeds. Eventually, she went offline. …

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Newspapers are seen in Karachi, Pakistan, on May 20, 2018. The Pakistan government recently suspended advertising to two independent media groups. (AFP/Rizwan Tabassum)

Pakistan government suspends advertising in 2 independent media groups

Washington, D.C., March 2, 2020 — Pakistani authorities should grant government advertising to outlets without regard for their editorial stances, and should lift the suspension of advertising in the Dawn and Jang media groups, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

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A man reads a copy of the Dawn English-language newspaper in Karachi, Pakistan, on May 20, 2018. Demonstrators recently besieged Dawn's Islamabad offices and threatened its staffers. (AFP/Rizwan Tabassum)

Demonstrators block entrance to Dawn newspaper in Pakistan, call for staffers to be hanged

New York, December 3, 2019 — Pakistan authorities must prevent demonstrations against the Dawn newspaper from turning violent, and should investigate death threats made against its staffers, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

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Election posters hang next to a street in Rawalpindi, ahead of elections on July 25. Pakistan's journalists say retaliation against critical reporting is making them self-censor to try to avoid retaliation. (AFP/Farooq Naeem)

Silence from judiciary over media attacks increases self-censorship, Pakistan’s journalists say

When it comes to the military and the judiciary, Pakistan’s journalists are “between a rock and a hard place,” Zohra Yusuf, of the independent non-profit Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, told CPJ. In recent months the judiciary, which has a history of siding with Pakistan’s powerful military, has remained largely silent amid attempts to censor…

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Pakistani journalists rally on Press Freedom Day in Karachi, Pakistan, on May 3, 2018. Two journalists were attacked June 5 in the city of Lahore. (AP Photo/Fareed Khan)

With elections looming in Pakistan, two journalists attacked

New York, June 6, 2018–The Committee to Protect Journalists today strongly condemned the abduction of journalist Gul Bukhari and the attack against journalist Asad Kharal in Lahore, Pakistan, yesterday and urged Pakistani authorities to promptly investigate the incidents and prosecute the perpetrators.

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Journalists work during a demonstration on May 3, 2018, to mark World Press Freedom Day in Islamabad, Pakistan. (Faisal Mahmood/Reuters)

Pakistani authorities disrupt distribution of Dawn newspaper

New York, May 22, 2018–Pakistani authorities should immediately halt any restrictions on the distribution of Dawn newspaper in Pakistan, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Distribution of the newspaper has been disrupted in many parts of the country in recent weeks, Dawn editor Zaffar Abbas told CPJ.

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People attend the YouTube Fanfest in Jakarta, Indonesia, in October 2016. Google released its first YouTube-specific transparency report in May. (Reuters/Beawiharta)

Greater transparency welcome but social media sites should allow independent audits of content takedowns

In recent days, some of the world’s largest tech companies released new transparency reports, opened up their content moderation guidelines, and adopted approaches to fighting pernicious content as they tried to head off government regulation amid concerns about “fake news,” harassment, terrorism and other ills proliferating on their platforms.

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A screen shot of Saba Bajeer on Pakistan's Channel 24

Pakistani security officials assault and briefly detain journalists

New York, July 24, 2017–Pakistani police should launch a thorough investigation into allegations that Federal Investigation Agency officials assaulted and briefly detained journalists in Islamabad last week, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

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Pakistan imposes travel ban on columnist Cyril Almeida

New York, October 11, 2016 — Pakistan should immediately lift the travel ban imposed on columnist Cyril Almeida of the independent daily newspaper Dawn.

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