David Schlesinger

2 results arranged by date

CPJ board protests secret seizure of AP phone records

Dear Attorney General Holder and Deputy Attorney General Cole: CPJ’s board of directors rarely has seen the need to raise its collective voice against U.S. government actions that threaten newsgathering. Today, however, we write to vigorously protest the secret seizing of phone records of The Associated Press. The overly broad scope of the subpoena and the lack of notification to the AP represent a damaging setback for press freedom in the United States and set a terrible example for the rest of the world.

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Schlesinger (Reuters)

Schlesinger: ‘Media, Murdoch, and social responsibility’

CPJ board member David Schlesinger, who is the chairman of Thomson Reuters in China, delivered a speech today at a conference sponsored by Caixin magazine. He touched on several current issues, and found lessons in the News of the World case that are relevant to journalists everywhere. And I particularly like his description of China’s…

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