Central Reserve Police Force

2 results arranged by date

Rahul Pandita

India court delays nearly $90K defamation order against journalist Rahul Pandita

The Punjab and Haryana High Court has stayed an order requiring journalist Rahul Pandita to pay INR7.5 million (US$89,800) in defamation compensation to senior paramilitary officer Harpreet Singh Sidhu, according to news reports. This stay will remain in effect until the next hearing, scheduled for October 21. On March 5, an appellate court ordered Pandita,…

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Indian police stop an auto-rickshaw in the city of Srinagar in Jammu and Kashmir state in April 2018. Officers from the Central Reserve Police Force, a paramilitary group, on June 2 beat journalist Muheet ul Islam while he was on his way to cover the funeral of a civilian who was allegedly crushed to death by a CRPF vehicle the previous day in the state's Srinagar city, according to Islam and news reports. (Reuters/Danish Ismail)

Reporters assaulted by paramilitary officers in India

New Delhi, June 5, 2018–Authorities in Jammu and Kashmir state should identify and punish the officers who assaulted freelance reporter Muheet ul Islam, and allow journalists to do their jobs without fear of retaliation, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

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