
1769 results arranged by date

Iran censors newspapers amid unrest

New York, June 18, 2009–With street demonstrations continuing in Tehran, Iranian authorities expanded censorship, banning the publication of two newspapers. The Committee to Protect Journalists called on the authorities to lift the bans and to allow international reporters to return to the country. 

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Iran should allow journalists to cover opposition rallies

New York, June 17, 2009–The Committee to Protect Journalists urges the Iranian government to lift all restrictions on foreign journalists and allow them to cover Thursday’s planned rallies in support of defeated presidential candidate Mir-Hossein Mousavi.

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Iran bars foreign media from reporting on protests

New York, June 16, 2009–The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns the Iranian government’s decision to bar foreign journalists from leaving their offices to report, film, or take photographs–a restriction intended to prevent news coverage of protests over the disputed presidential election.  

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Iranian authorities crack down on media

New York, June 15, 2009–The Committee to Protect Journalists called today for an end to the Iranian authorities’ ongoing crackdown on media following the disputed re-election of incumbent President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad. 

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Censorship software displays a banned page.

Seeing red over green: China to install censorship software

China’s announcement that personal computers sold from July 1 must carry Internet-filtering software pre-installed by the manufacturer should be a flashing red light to journalists and defenders of free expression online.

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Looking at Tiananmen as a ‘development opportunity’

The English-language version of the state newspaper Global Times raised eyebrows on Tuesday with an article headlined, “Evolution of Chinese intellectuals’ thought over two decades.” The opinion piece included a quote from an academic referencing the “June 4 incident”–a departure for domestic, state-run media, which never refer explicitly to the peaceful demonstrations that were crushed…

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Umbrella censors in Tiananmen Square on June 4. (AP)

Tiananmen: It’s raining censorship

It’s hot in Beijing this time of year. An umbrella can serve as a convenient protection from the sun. Back in the spring of 1989, hundreds of umbrellas filled Tiananmen Square like makeshift shelters–until the army deployed tanks and guns against the anti-government protesters holding them. 

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Eritrean president slams ‘CIA-financed’ media

Last week, President Isaias Afeworki of Eritrea, Africa’s leading jailer of journalists, discussed press freedom during an extensive interview with Swedish broadcaster TV4. Afeworki, a revered guerrilla commander who led this Red Sea country to nationhood in 1993, banned Eritrea’s budding private media in 2001 and threw journalists in secret prisons without charge or trial.…

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China blocks Twitter before Tiananmen

“Twitter is a new thing in China. The censors need time to figure out what it is. So enjoy the last happy days of twittering before the fate of YouTube descends on it one day,” veteran Chinese blogger Michael Anti told the media blog Danwei in a May 27 interview.

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Tiananmen Square, May 1989 (Reuters)

Tiananmen briefing: Gate to press freedom closed in 1989

The events of 1989, which culminated on June 3 and 4 when the army opened fire on civilians trying to block its approach to the main site of protests at Tiananmen, the “gate of heavenly peace,” are dismissed as riots in official state media accounts. Propaganda officials interpret references to the events as a sign…

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