3 results arranged by date

A Belarusian border guard patrols in the Brest region at the border with Ukraine in February 2023. On June 3, 2024, a court in the city of Brest convicted and sentenced journalist Alena Tsimashchuk to five years in prison but the grounds for her charges have not been disclosed. (Photo: AFP/Natalia Kolesnikova)

Belarus jails journalist Alena Tsimashchuk for 5 years; reason for charges undisclosed

New York, June 20, 2024—Belarusian authorities must immediately disclose the reasons behind charges against journalist Alena Tsimashchuk, who was sentenced to five years imprisonment, and ensure that no members of the press are jailed for their work. On June 3, a court in the southwestern city of Brest convicted Tsimashchuk of discrediting Belarus, “incitement to…

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Belarus detains journalist Ihar Karnei on undisclosed charges, bans Polish journalist Justyna Prus

New York, July 20, 2023—Belarusian authorities should immediately disclose the reason for the recent detention of journalist Ihar Karnei, reverse their decision to ban Polish journalist Justyna Prus, and let the media work freely, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Thursday. On Monday, July 17, authorities in Minsk searched the home of Karnei, a former…

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Belarusian journalists detained, forced to make ‘confession’ videos

Paris, October 12, 2022—Belarusian authorities are continuing their crackdown on the country’s independent media with a spate of fresh arrests and detentions of several journalists. On Thursday, October 6, police in Minsk, the capital, detained Snezhana Inanets, a reporter at the independent news website Onliner, and her husband Aliaksandr Lychavko, a local historian and reporter…

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