Alexei Navalny

11 results arranged by date

Russia detained journalist Antonina Favorskaya for 2 months for reporting on late opposition leader Navalny

New York, March 29, 2024—Russian authorities must release journalist Antonina Favorskaya, drop all charges against her, and refrain from persecuting members of the press in retaliation for their reporting on late opposition leader Alexei Navalny, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Friday. On Wednesday, authorities did not release Favorskaya, a journalist with independent news outlet…

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Russian court jails journalist Sergey Stepanov for 30 days over Navalny protest coverage

Vilnius, Lithuania, April 29, 2021 — Russian authorities should release journalist Sergey Stepanov immediately and should cease detaining and harassing members of the press covering protests, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Yesterday, the Oktyabrsky District Court in the central Russian city of Tambov sentenced Stepanov, a freelance correspondent for Finnish TV and radio broadcaster…

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At least 10 journalists detained while covering pro-Navalny rallies in Russia

Vilnius, Lithuania, April 22, 2021 — Russian authorities should stop harassing journalists and allow members of the press to cover political demonstrations without fear, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Yesterday, police detained at least 10 journalists and harassed several others in relation to their coverage of unauthorized protests in support of jailed Russian…

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Russian law enforcement raid student magazine DOXA, place 4 editors under home detention

New York, April 15, 2021 – Russian authorities should immediately drop all charges against DOXA editors Armen Aramyan, Natalia Tyshkevich, Vladimir Metelkin, and Alla Gutnikova, and allow them to work freely and safely, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Yesterday, law enforcement officers in Moscow raided the office of the independent student-run magazine DOXA…

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Russian RFE/RL journalist Daria Komarova faces 3 trials over protest coverage

Vilnius, Lithuania, April 8, 2021 — Russian authorities should drop all charges against journalist Daria Komarova and allow her and other members of the press to cover protests without fear of reprisal, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Yesterday, the Leninsky district court in Cheboksary, the capital of the central Russian republic of Chuvashia, held…

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At least 3 journalists briefly detained while covering imprisonment of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny

New York, April 6, 2021 — In response to today’s detention of journalists near the penal colony where Russian opposition activist Alexei Navalny is being held, the Committee to Protect Journalists issued the following statement: “Detaining journalists who try to cover Alexei Navalny’s imprisonment is a blunt effort to censor coverage of Putin’s leading critic,”…

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Russian journalist Aleksey Mironov interrogated, charged over Navalny protest coverage

Vilnius, Lithuania, March 9, 2021 — Russian authorities should drop all charges against journalist Aleksey Mironov and allow the press to cover protests and other political events without fear, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. On March 5, police in Cheboksary, the capital of the central Russian autonomous republic of Chuvashia, detained Mironov, a…

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Russian blogger jailed for 25 days over coverage of Navalny protests, hospitalized after hunger strike

New York, February 10, 2021 – Russian authorities should immediately release journalist Dmitry Bairov, drop all charges against him, and allow him to work freely and safely, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. On January 28, plain-clothed law enforcement officers detained Bairov near his home in Ulan-Ude, a city in the eastern Russian Republic…

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Russian police detain, beat, and harass dozens of journalists covering pro-Navalny protests

New York, January 26, 2021 – Russian authorities should allow journalists to cover protests freely and without fear, and refrain from attacking or detaining members of the press, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. On January 23, police in at least 20 cities throughout Russia detained, beat, and otherwise interfered with the work of…

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Russian authorities warn journalists, social media platforms, and news outlets ahead of pro-Navalny protests

New York, January 21, 2021 – Russian authorities should cease intimidating and harassing journalists covering protests in the country, and allow members of the press to work freely, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Since yesterday, police and the country’s media regulator have issued warnings to at least four journalists, as well as to…

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