
4 results arranged by date

Egypt arrests 2 journalists in less than a week, refuses to disclose whereabouts

Washington, D.C., July 23, 2024—The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on Egyptian authorities to immediately release Ashraf Omar, a cartoonist for the independent news outlet Al-Manassa, and Khaled Mamdouh, a reporter for news website Arabic Post. “By arresting journalists Khaled Mamdouh and Ashraf Omar and subjecting them to enforced disappearance, the Egyptian regime has once…

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Egyptian journalist Ahmed Montasir detained since October

New York, January 25, 2023 – Egyptian authorities must immediately and unconditionally release journalist Ahmed Montasir and drop all charges against him, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Wednesday. On October 9, 2022, authorities in Cairo arrested Montasir, a freelance reporter who contributes to the independent news websites Ida2at and Al-Manassa, according to the independent…

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Egyptian journalists Hamdi al-Zaeem and Ahmed Khalifa detained on false news and terrorism charges

New York, January 19, 2021 – Egyptian authorities should immediately release journalists Hamdi al-Zaeem and Ahmed Khalifa and drop all charges against them, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. On January 4, authorities arrested al-Zaeem, a freelance photojournalist and documentary film producer, after raiding his home in Cairo, according to news reports and the…

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Al-Manassa editor Nora Younis on censorship in Egypt

This summer, Egyptian authorities raided Al-Manassa for the first time since the independent news website was established in 2016. News reports describe at least six police officers storming the outlet’s only office in Cairo, confiscating a laptop, and arresting Nora Younis, the editor-in-chief. The following day, the public prosecutor’s office charged her with multiple unfounded…

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