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Al-Jazeera staffers in the network's offices in Kuwait today. Authorities shut the bureau down on Monday after it covered a violent police crackdown on a meeting of opposition lawmakers. (Gustavo Ferrari/AP)

CPJ condemns closure of Al-Jazeera’s office in Kuwait

New York, December 13, 2010–The Kuwaiti Ministry of Information announced today it has shut down Al-Jazeera’s office in Kuwait, the official Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) reported. The ministry also withdrew press accreditation from all of Al-Jazeera’s local staff. The suspension came after the Doha-based pan-Arab news satellite station aired live footage of Kuwaiti police cracking down on…

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Internet Blotter

Venezuela prepares law to regulate media, including the Internet. Iranian blogger Hossein Derakhshan briefly released from jail on $1.5 million bail… …but fellow Iranian-Canadian anti-censorship software designer Saeed Malekpour still faces death penalty. Syrian telecom minister says awareness of the dangers, not censorship of the Internet is the solution.

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After running leaked cables, websites face harassment

New York, December 10, 2010–The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns harassment of the Lebanese news website Al-Akhbar after it published U.S. diplomatic cables that were first disclosed by WikiLeaks. The website was hacked this week by unknown attackers, while the Tunisian government blocked domestic access to the site. Saudi officials blocked access to the independent…

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Pete Hamill was among the journalists who spoke to the crowd; a mariachi band and Celtic performers took turns on stage. (James Higgins)

An uncanny alliance to benefit CPJ’s assistance program

While a first glance, The Irish-Mexican Alliance might seem like an unorthodox partnership, last night’s poetry and music fundraising event for CPJ at Connolly’s Pub near Times Square proved otherwise. 

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2010 prison census: 145 journalists jailed worldwide

As of December 1, 2010    |   » Read the accompanying report: “IRAN, CHINA DRIVE PRISON TALLY TO 14-YEAR HIGH”

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Iran, China drive prison tally to 14-year high

Relying heavily on vague antistate charges, authorities jail 145 journalists worldwide. Eritrea, Burma, and Uzbekistan are also among the worst jailers of the press. A CPJ special report

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CPJ Impact

News from the Committee to Protect Journalists, November 2010 CPJ honors journalists on the frontlines of press freedomJournalists at the forefront of the battle for press freedom in Ethiopia, Iran, Russia, and Venezuela were honored at the Committee to Protect Journalists’ 20th Annual International Press Freedom Awards benefit dinner, held on November 23. The awards dinner was…

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Normando Hernández González testifies at the European Parliament in September. Free after six years in a Cuban prison, the journalist says he suffered torture in custody. (AP)

Trying to forget: Torture haunts freed Cuban journalist

I long to forget, but cannot. To erase from my memory the murmurs of suffering, the plaintive screams of torture, the screeching bars, the unmistakable music of padlocks, the garrulous sentinels…

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Nadira Isayeva Award Acceptance Speech

Nadira Isayeva Chernovik, Russia  Acceptance Speech CPJ 2010 International Press Freedom Awards Dinner November 23, 2010 Waldorf Astoria, New York   Respected Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Colleagues! I come from the southern republic of Dagestan, which is part of the Russian Federation. Young Dagestanis who arrive in Moscow looking for a job sometimes hear this…

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Marking Maguindanao, events for reflection, justice

Tuesday is the anniversary of the deadliest attack on the press ever recorded by CPJ. On November 23, 2009, 32 journalists and media workers were shot and killed in a massacre of 57 people in Ampatuan, in the southern province of Maguindanao. The victims were part of a convoy accompanying the supporters and relatives of…

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