
1545 results

Radio stations attacked ahead of general election

New York, May 9, 2006—The Committee to Protect Journalists is concerned by attacks on radio stations in the Comoros in the run-up to May 14 federal elections in the Indian Ocean state. Unidentified assailants armed with machetes stormed two radio stations on the island of Grande Comore on May 5, forcing them off the air…

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CPJ Update

CPJ Update May 22, 2006 News from the Committee to Protect Journalists Return to front page | See previous Updates

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Drawing Fire

By Ivan KarakashianA Yemeni editor’s decision to reprint cartoons of Muhammad sparks government reprisals. Other cases abound.

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Daniel Pearl: An Open Case

By Abi WrightFour years after Daniel Pearl was brutally murdered in Pakistan, questions and concerns remain.

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Days before Belarusian vote, four newspapers forced to halt publication

New York, March 14, 2006—The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns Belarusian authorities’ escalating harassment of the country’s few independent newspapers as Sunday’s presidential election approaches. Four newspapers based in the capital, Minsk, have been forced to interrupt publication less than a week before the balloting in which incumbent Aleksandr Lukashenko seeks re-election, according to local…

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Bangladesh: Government must investigate bomb attack on two journalists

New York, February 17, 2006— The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on Bangladeshi authorities to fully investigate the bomb attack on Mahfuz Mamun and Babul Ahmed, writers for the daily Dainik Mathabhanga. Media reports in Bangladesh said the two men had written stories on drug trafficking for their paper a few weeks before the February…

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Attacks on the Press 2005: Asia Analysis

As Radio Grows Powerful, Challenges EmergeBy Abi WrightAt home, in the car, and even in the fields, more people across Asia are getting their news on the radio than ever before. Increasingly, this accessible and affordable medium is bringing real-time information to remote areas of Indonesia, Nepal, the Philippines, Afghanistan, and Thailand, parts of which…

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Attacks on the Press 2005: Afghanistan

AFGHANISTAN The number of news outlets grew yet again, continuing an expansion of the media that began with the fall of the Taliban regime in December 2001. With journalism’s higher profile, however, came increases in threats, attacks, and detentions targeting the press. These cases had a chilling effect on the news media, leading to greater…

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Attacks on the Press 2005: Asia Snapshots

Attacks and developments throughout the region  

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Attacks on the Press 2005: Burma

BURMA International pressure goaded Burma’s ruling military junta into releasing several journalists and hundreds of political prisoners in 2005. But five journalists were among the more than 1,300 remaining detainees, and Nobel Peace Prize–winner Aung San Suu Kyi was still under house arrest. On January 3, the junta released journalists Thein Tan and Ohn Kyaing,…

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