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Abdulmutallab studied at this Arabic-language school in Sana’a, Yemen, before he tried to blow up a plane in the U.S. (Reuters)

Foreign journalists have privileges locals don’t in Yemen

It is possible that so-called “Christmas Day bomber” Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab came to Yemen for Al-Qaeda terrorist training because it was out of the limelight. Until now, international media has sent in journalists intermittently to cover stories on Somali refugees or the Houthi rebellion in the North, but few foreign journalists are based here and the majority of coverage had come from local…

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Local journalists are often caught in the crossfire of political instability and crime in Nepal. (Reuters)

Nepal’s media brave threats in ‘interesting times’

The times, they’re getting a bit too interesting in Nepal. Journalists who are supposed to cover the news are becoming the news themselves.

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Attacks on the Press 2009: Madagascar

Top Developments• Rival leaders use media empires to pursue political goals.• Partisan attacks target journalists, news outlets. Key Statistic 1: Journalist killed in 2009, the first Malagasy media fatality ever recorded by CPJ. Malagasy journalists faced censorship, threats, and arrest as former president Marc Ravalomanana and new head of state Andry Rajoelina used their partisan…

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Attacks on the Press 2009: Nepal

Top Developments• Government fails to investigate press freedom abuses. • Reporter slain after covering Maoist land seizures. Key Statistic 8th: Ranking on CPJ Impunity Index, making it one of world’s worst for press. Nepal’s news media entered 2009 in a state of crisis. Attacks on the press had escalated in late 2008 amid a climate…

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Attacks on the Press 2009: Sri Lanka

Top Developments• Editor murdered, broadcaster bombed, reporters assaulted.• Columnist convicted of terrorism for his writing. Key Statistic 0: Number of convictions in 10 journalist murders since 1992. On May 19, the government formally declared a victory in its 26-year civil war with the secessionist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), which had claimed territory for…

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Attacks on the Press 2009: Americas Developments

ATTACKS ON THE PRESS: 2009• Main Index AMERICAS Regional Analysis: • In the Americas, Big Brother is watching reporters Country Summaries • Argentina • Brazil • Colombia • Cuba • Ecuador • Honduras • Mexico • Nicaragua • United States • Venezuela • Other developments BOLIVIA An anonymous caller threatened Raphael Ramírez, editor of the…

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Attacks on the Press 2009: Asia Developments

ATTACKS ON THE PRESS: 2009 • Main Index ASIA Regional Analysis: • As fighting surges,so does danger to press Maguindanao: • Makings of a Massacre Country Summaries • Afghanistan • Burma • China • Nepal • North Korea • Pakistan • Philippines • Sri Lanka • Thailand • Vietnam • Other developments BANGLADESH India’s Border…

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CPJ calls for an end to impunity following Nepalese murder

New York, February 10, 2009—The Committee to Protect Journalists joins with its colleague in the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) in demanding an end to the impunity surrounding attacks on journalists in Nepal. The FNJ made the demands today in Kathmandu during a protest rally that came two days after the shooting death of Jamim Shah, the chairman of the…

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New Iraq media rules reflect return to authoritarianism

New York, February 4, 2010—An Iraqi government plan to impose restrictive rules on broadcast news media represents an alarming return to authoritarianism, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. CPJ denounced the rules and called on Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and his government to abandon their repressive plan.

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Authorities assault, fire on journalists in Kashmir

Local news reports said a photojournalist was shot and five other journalists assaulted in the aftermath of a 22-hour battle between militants and local authorities in Srinagar, summer capital of the troubled north Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir on January 7, 2010.

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