


Journalists attacked by masked assailants in Cambodia

Bangkok, September 24, 2013–At least seven journalists were assaulted by a mob of masked men on Sunday while covering a land rights protest in the Cambodian capital of Phnom Penh, according to journalists and local news reports. The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns the attack and calls for an independent investigation that leads to the…

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Angolan police assault, detain journalists

New York, September 20, 2013–At least three journalists were assaulted by police and briefly detained today while covering the release of seven individuals who were arrested during a protest on Thursday, according to the journalists and news accounts. Protesters had staged a demonstration against what they called the authoritarian regime of President José Eduardo dos…

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In Azerbaijan, journalist arrested, newsroom raided

New York, September 19, 2013–Authorities in Azerbaijan must immediately release a journalist who was arrested on Tuesday on fabricated charges and ordered detained for two months, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. The press in Azerbaijan must be allowed to freely cover the country’s next presidential vote, scheduled for October 9, if it is…

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Radio anchor murdered in Philippines

Bangkok, September 19, 2013–A radio anchor was shot dead in the central region of Cebu City on Saturday, the latest death in a steady stream of killings of journalists in the Philippines. The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on the relevant authorities to thoroughly investigate the murder of Jesus “Jessie” Tabanao and bring his killer…

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Journalists protest the killing of Uma Singh in Nepal in 2009. (AP/Binod Joshi)

Another arrest in the murder of Nepal’s Uma Singh

New York, September 18, 2013–The Committee to Protect Journalists welcomes Monday’s arrest of an individual suspected to have ordered the 2009 murder of journalist Uma Singh, and calls on authorities to ensure the case is brought to justice.

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Moroccan editor arrested for publishing link to video

New York, September 18, 2013–Authorities in Morocco should release an editor who was arrested on Tuesday in connection with an article published on his website, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

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Reeyot Alemu (IWMF)

Prison places restrictions on jailed journalist Reeyot Alemu

Nairobi, September 16, 2013–The decision by authorities at Kality Prison to impose visitor restrictions on imprisoned journalist Reeyot Alemu constitutes harassment and runs counter to the Ethiopian constitution, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. “We call upon the Ethiopian authorities to lift these latest restrictions and allow Reeyot Alemu to receive all visitors,” said…

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Radio host gunned down in Colombia

Bogotá, September 16, 2013–The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on Colombian authorities to launch a full investigation into the murder of a radio host on Wednesday. Édison Alberto Molina, a lawyer and politician who hosted a radio program that he used to denounce government corruption, was shot and killed in the town of Puerto Berrío,…

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Press harassed amid heightened tension in Egypt

New York, September 13, 2013–Egyptian authorities should halt their campaign of harassment on local and international journalists seeking to cover the ongoing political crisis in the country, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. The latest series of anti-press violations comes as the Egyptian government announced a two-month extension to the nationwide state of emergency.

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The offices of Karabo FM have been destroyed. (Wits Radio Academy/Facebook)

South African community radio station silenced by fire

Cape Town, South Africa, September 10, 2013–An arson attack that destroyed a community radio station in South Africa is a disturbing sign of the vulnerability of freedom of expression at the local level, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. “Community media are often closest to some of the most contentious stories and offer a…

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