Middle East & North Africa



In Jordan, website hacked after running sensitive statement

New York, February 9, 2011–A Jordanian news website was hacked on Sunday after it refused to comply with demands from security agents to remove a critical statement from Jordanian tribesmen, the outlet said. The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on Jordanian authorities to immediately investigate the attack on Ammon News, one of the most popular…

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Sudanese security agents must free Al-Midan workers

New York, February 8, 2011–Sudanese security forces on Wednesday detained 12 employees of the pro-opposition weekly Al-Midan, according to local journalists and news reports. Two were released the same day, but 10 continue to be held incommunicado nearly a week later. The Committee to Protect Journalists is concerned about the welfare of the newspaper employees…

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CPJ’s Simon on Huffington Post: What is at stake in Egypt

CPJ’s executive director lays out “What Is at Stake With Egypt’s Media Crackdown” in a February 3 piece on the Huffington Post. Joel Simon writes: “With no witnesses, those undertaking the violence in Egypt will have a free hand to carry out their brutal campaign without restraint. Standing up for the rights of journalists at this…

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CPJ’s Abdel Dayem talks Egypt on Democracy Now!

CPJ Middle East and North Africa Program Coordinator Mohamed Abdel Dayem spoke to Democracy Now! on February 5 about the deteriorating environment for journalists in Egypt. He told host Amy Goodman that state news outlets have become something unrecognizable: “State-owned media are no longer engaged in the business of news,” Abdel Dayem said. “They are…

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Protesters gather around army vehicles in Cairo's Tahrir Square. (Reuters)

Egypt: New accreditation rules; military obstructs media

New York, February 7, 2011–Egyptian authorities have shifted their strategy for obstructing the press as protests enter their 14th day: The military has become the predominant force detaining journalists and confiscating their equipment rather than plainclothes police or government supporters, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Authorities have also put in place new bureaucratic…

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An Egyptian general walks through protests in Tahrir Square. (AP)

Egyptian media say foreign journalists have ‘hidden agenda’

New York, February 5, 2011–As journalists face ongoing attacks and detentions in Cairo, they are increasingly concerned that state broadcasts are creating an atmosphere that is encouraging violence against the media, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. State television and radio, along with pro-Mubarak private stations, are giving frequent airtime to presenters and guests…

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AP photographer Khalil Hamra is injured in Tahrir Square on Thursday. (AP Photo/Mohammed Abed)

Cairo attacks continue; reporter dies from earlier shooting

New York, February 4, 2011–Journalists in Cairo faced assaults, detentions, and threats again today as supporters of President Hosni Mubarak continued their efforts to obstruct news coverage of protests demanding the Egyptian leader’s ouster. While the extent of attacks lessened after a peak on Thursday, ongoing anti-press activities remain at an alarming level that must…

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SIPA Press agency photojournalist Alfred Yaghobzadeh is treated by anti-government protesters after being wounded during clashes in Cairo. (AP)

Mubarak intensifies press attacks with assaults, detentions

New York, February 3, 2011–Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak unleashed an unprecedented and systematic attack on international media today as his supporters assaulted reporters in the streets while security forces began obstructing and detaining journalists covering the unrest that threatens to topple his government. 

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Outside the Journalists' Syndicate in Cairo. (AP)

Journalists under physical assault in Egypt

New York, February 2, 2011–Supporters of President Hosni Mubarak have begun violently attacking journalists reporting on the streets of Cairo today, a shift in tactics from recent media censorship, the Committee to Protect Journalists said. CPJ calls on the Egyptian military to provide protection for journalists.”The Egyptian government is employing a strategy of eliminating witnesses to their…

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Egypt rejoins the Net

Internet connectivity has been restored to Egypt, though it’s hard to tell from the outside just how reliable that connection is. Monitoring organizations Renesys and BGPMon provide technical details on their blogs. For a more dynamic display, RIPE, the community which helps co-ordinate the European Internet, has a live graph of the numbers of Internet…

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