Mexico / Americas


Brad Will’s mother: ‘No movement’ in case four years on

Last week marked the fourth anniversary of the murder of Brad Will, a 36-year-old American activist and journalist who was shot while covering anti-government protests in the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca. His murderers remain at large. 

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Online freedom of expression in Latin America

On his blog, El Oso, David Sasaki has just finished up the third and last part in his series, “Internet Censorship and Freedom of Expression in Latin America.” It’s a brilliant overview of current political and social pressures on free speech and online reporting in the region. Some key observations: Direct governmental censorship in Latin…

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Journalists protest anti-press violence in Tijuana. (AP/Guillermo Arias)

Mission Journal: Calderón sees a national threat

Mexican President Felipe Calderón Hinojosa had a message to deliver and it wasn’t about press freedom. After hearing the concerns presented by a joint delegation from CPJ and the Miami-based Inter American Press Association last week, the president wanted us to know something: He didn’t go looking for a fight against the drug cartels.

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Doubt cast on confession in Rodríguez murder

The man who Mexican President Felipe Calderón Hinojosa said had confessed to taking part in the murder of reporter Armando Rodríguez Carreón was tortured, the newspaper El Diario in Ciudad Juárez reported today. On Wednesday, Calderón told a delegation from CPJ and the Inter American Press Association about the man’s alleged involvement in the killing.…

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A protest on behalf of slain and missing journalists in Mexico City in August. (Reuters/Henry Romero)

CPJ to meet with Calderón in Mexico City on press crisis

CPJ’s meeting in Mexico on Wednesday with President Felipe Calderón cannot be more timely. A joint delegation with the Inter American Press Association will discuss Mexico’s fast-deteriorating press freedom climate.

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Santiago's funeral. (Reuters)

Paper will curb coverage to protect reporters’ lives in Juárez

The major daily in the war-wracked Mexican city of Ciudad Juárez, El Diario, surprised media around the globe on Saturday when it published an unusual editorial that openly compromises the paper’s coverage in order to preserve its journalists’ lives.Under the headline, “What do you want from us?,” the editorial pleads for the cartels to stop killing journalists, and asks…

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CPJ’s Lauría tells Fox News about Mexico’s press crisis

Watch the latest video at CPJ Senior Program Coordinator for the Americas Carlos Lauría was live on Fox News’ “Strategy Room” today talking about the deadly environment for journalists in Mexico. Video is above.

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CPJ’s Carlos Lauría talks about Mexican press crisis

CPJ’s Senior Program Coordinator for the Americas Carlos Lauría was live on the national radio show “The Takeaway” this morning talking about the ongoing deterioration of the media environment in Mexico. Lauría was joined by New York Times correspondent Elisabeth Malkin from Mexico City.

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Wednesday on the show, Nnamdi and his guests will "examine how violence against journalists ends up influencing media coverage."

Balancing risk vs. safety in global news reporting

CPJ’s Joel Simon will be live on Wednesday on “The Kojo Nnamdi Show,” a daily news public radio show in Washington. Joining Simon will be Iraqi journalist Haider Hamza, who has covered the war in Iraq for Reuters and ABC News, and Alfredo Corchado, the Mexico bureau chief for The Dallas Morning News, in a…

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President Calderón responds to CPJ’s concerns

On June 7, we wrote to Mexican President Felipe Calderón Hinojosa about a series of attacks perpetrated against local journalists by federal law enforcement since the beginning of the year. The office of the Mexican president responded on June 16. In a letter to CPJ Executive Director Joel Simon, Calderón informed us that our letter was submitted to the attorney general’s…

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