Poland / Europe & Central Asia


Polish journalists’ children targeted with death threats, phone harassment

Berlin, February 7, 2022 — Polish authorities should swiftly and thoroughly investigate death threats received by family members of journalists Wojciech Czuchnowski and Tomasz Lis, and ensure the journalists’ and their families’ safety, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Monday. On January 20, several police stations in different cities throughout Poland called Czuchnowski’s son Mateusz…

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CPJ joins call urging Polish president to veto media bill

The Committee to Protect Journalists today joined 16 other media and press freedom organizations in a letter calling on Polish President Andrzej Duda to veto an amendment to the country’s broadcast media law. The letter states that the amendment “poses a fundamental threat to media freedom and pluralism in Poland,” and calls it a “direct…

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Polish court fines journalist Ewa Siedlecka for criminal defamation

Berlin, December 15, 2021 –Polish authorities should not contest journalist Ewa Siedlecka’s appeal of her criminal defamation conviction and should reform the country’s criminal defamation laws so they can no longer be used against journalists, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. On November 24, 2021, the District Court for Warsaw-Śródmieście convicted Siedlecka, a columnist…

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Polish authorities detain, harass journalists covering refugee crossings from Belarus

Berlin, November 23, 2021 — Polish authorities should allow journalists to cover refugee movements and other events of public interest without interference, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Since November 14, Polish police, border guards, and soldiers have detained and obstructed at least seven journalists covering refugee movements near the country’s border with Belarus,…

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Polish authorities question reporter covering Belarus border area

On September 27, 2021, police in Michałowo, a Polish town near the border with Belarus, questioned Agnieszka Kaszuba, a reporter for daily newspaper Fakt, for about an hour, according to news reports, her employer, and the journalist, who communicated with CPJ via email.  Kaszuba told CPJ that the officers stopped her car while she was…

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Polish police search journalist’s home, seize equipment over alleged threats to legislator

Berlin, October 6, 2021 — Polish authorities should stop harassing journalist Piotr Bakselerowicz, return his equipment, and respect the confidentiality of his sources, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. On October 2, four officers from the Warsaw Police Department, two of whom carried guns, searched the apartment of Bakselerowicz, a reporter for the independent…

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Polish authorities charge 2 journalists with violating state of emergency in coverage of Belarus border area

Berlin, September 17, 2021 – Polish authorities should drop all criminal charges filed against a reporting team from the local news website Onet, and ensure that members of the press can cover refugees and other sensitive issues without fear of prosecution, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. On September 3, police in Hajnówka, a…

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Polish parliament to vote on media bill targeting broadcaster TVN24

Berlin, September 15, 2021 — Polish lawmakers should reject an amendment to the country’s broadcast media law that threatens the independence of commercial television broadcaster TVN24, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. The draft amendment, which CPJ reviewed, would change Article 35 of the Broadcasting Act to restrict broadcast licenses solely to companies that…

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Mission Journal: ‘Trench warfare’ in Polish press as government eyes next election cycle

“Media without choice.” On February 10, this sentence ran on the otherwise empty front page of Gazeta Wyborcza, the largest critical newspaper in Poland. On the same day, Radio ZET, a commercial radio station, ran this message on repeat, evoking the country’s communist past: “You will not hear any of our normal broadcasts today…We are…

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Polish riot police attack journalists covering demonstrations

Berlin, November 16, 2020 — Polish authorities should swiftly and thoroughly investigate police attacks on journalists covering recent protests, hold those responsible to account, and ensure that reporters can cover events of public interest without fear of injury, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. On November 11, during clashes between riot police and protesters…

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