Natalie Southwick/CPJ Latin America and the Caribbean Program Coordinator
Natalie Southwick is CPJ’s Latin America and the Caribbean program coordinator. Prior to joining CPJ, she was a member of Witness for Peace's international accompaniment team in Bogotá, Colombia, a reporting specialist with ACDI/VOCA's Afro-Colombian and Indigenous Program, and the editor of a website focused on Latin American news. Her work has appeared in the Boston Globe, the Chicago Reporter, InSight Crime, RioOnWatch, and elsewhere.

In five Latin American countries, COVID-19 responses restrict press freedom, CPJ, TrustLaw find
In Bolivia, Brazil, El Salvador, and Peru, emergency measures in response to COVID-19 restricted the media’s capacity to report freely and the public’s ability to access information, including critical information about public health interventions and the pandemic itself, a report by the Committee to Protect Journalists and Thomson Reuters Foundation’s TrustLaw program found. The report,…

Nicaragua: A crackdown in four parts
When protests erupted in Nicaragua in April last year, it was clear from the beginning that the country’s media landscape would be a battleground. One day into the unrest, the government ordered cable providers to cut the signals of at least five TV channels. By the end of the year, CPJ had documented attacks, arrests,…