

CPJ to publish ‘Afghanistan’s Media Crisis,’ an assessment of the state of press freedom one year after the return of the Taliban

New York, August 4, 2022- Ahead of the one-year anniversary of the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan on August 15, the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) will publish a comprehensive assessment of the state of press freedom in Afghanistan. CPJ’s report, a series of richly reported features, highlights the experiences and knowledge of nearly two dozen…

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Taliban members beat Afghan journalist Selgay Ehsas, force her to record video message

Washington, D.C., August 3, 2022 – Taliban authorities must investigate the beating and harassment of journalist Selgay Ehsas, hold those responsible to account, and allow female journalists to work freely, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Wednesday. On July 20, several men armed with rifles approached Ehsas, a sports presenter with the independent broadcaster Radio…

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Myanmar journalist Maung Maung Myo sentenced to 6 years in prison

Bangkok, August 1, 2022 – Myanmar authorities should immediately and unconditionally release journalist Maung Maung Myo and stop imprisoning members of the press on spurious charges, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Monday. On Friday, July 29, a court in the city of Hpa-an, in Kayin state, sentenced Maung Myo, a reporter for the independent Mekong News Agency, to six years in prison on…

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Adani Group files criminal defamation suit against freelance Indian journalist Ravi Nair

New Delhi, July 28, 2022 – Indian authorities should not pursue criminal defamation charges against journalist Ravi Nair, and should ensure he can work free from legal harassment, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Thursday. On July 26, police in New Delhi ordered Nair to appear in a court in Gandhinagar, the capital of the…

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Sri Lankan security forces detain, assault journalists covering political unrest

New York, July 27, 2022 – Sri Lankan authorities must thoroughly and swiftly investigate recent attacks on journalists by the country’s security forces, hold the perpetrators to account, and cease harassing the staff of Xposure News, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Wednesday. On the early morning of July 22, Sri Lankan security forces assaulted…

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East Timor authorities investigate journalist Raimundos Oki over reporting on alleged police abuses

Bangkok, July 27, 2022 – Authorities in East Timor should drop their investigation into journalist Raimundos Oki and stop using legal threats to curb independent reporting, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Wednesday. On June 29, officers with the Scientific Police for Criminal Investigation, a forensic investigation body, summoned Oki for questioning, according to news reports and…

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CPJ joins call for Maldives to repeal or amend provision of Evidence Act

On July 25, 2022, the Committee to Protect Journalists joined nine press freedom, freedom of expression, and human rights groups in a statement calling on the Maldives government to repeal or amend a provision of the recently ratified Evidence Act, which allows courts to compel journalists and media organizations to reveal their sources on the…

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Taliban intelligence officers force Foreign Policy columnist Lynne O’Donnell to tweet apologies for her reporting

Washington, D.C., July 21, 2022 – Taliban authorities must stop harassing members of the press, and the intelligence officers who recently intimidated and threatened Australian journalist Lynne O’Donnell should be held to account, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Thursday. O’Donnell, a columnist with the U.S. magazine Foreign Policy, arrived in Kabul on July 16,…

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Indonesian journalists face wave of harassment and intimidation

Bangkok, July 21, 2022 – Indonesian authorities should investigate a series of incidents of harassment and intimidation against local journalists, identify and bring the relevant perpetrators to justice, and work to better protect media members and their ability to report without fear of reprisal or violence, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Thursday. “A recent…

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Indian journalist Rupesh Kumar Singh arrested following 9-hour home raid

New Delhi, July 18, 2022 – Indian authorities must immediately and unconditionally release journalist Rupesh Kumar Singh, cease harassing him in retaliation for his work, and allow him to report freely and safely, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Monday. On Sunday, July 17, police in the Ramgarh district of eastern Jharkhand state arrested Singh,…

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