Cuba / Americas


CPJ welcomes El Salvador’s acceptance of 2 journalists expelled from Cuba

Miami, January 6, 2022 – Salvadoran authorities should continue providing support to Cuban journalists Esteban Rodríguez and Héctor Luis Valdés, and Cuban authorities should cease forcing journalists into exile, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. At dawn on January 4, agents from the Cuban National Revolutionary Police and the Political Police took Valdés from…

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Unidentified attackers beat Cuban journalist Mabel Páez at her home

Miami, December 10, 2021 – Cuban authorities should thoroughly investigate the recent attack on journalist Mabel Páez and swiftly bring those responsible to justice, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. On December 7, at about 8:30 p.m., two unidentified men with their faces covered broke into Páez’s home in the western province of Artemisa…

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Number of journalists behind bars reaches global high

Editor’s note: Numbers for each prison census are adjusted yearly as CPJ learns of arrests, releases, or deaths in prison. The numbers for CPJ’s 2021 census have been revised from 293 to 302 in accordance with this policy. For the most recent data, see The number of journalists jailed around the world set another record…

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A press freedom crisis unfolds in Latin America

As the number of journalists imprisoned globally for their work climbs to record highs, cases of those behind bars in Latin America remained relatively low. A total of six – three in Cuba, two in Nicaragua and one in Brazil – were in custody for their work as of December 1, according to the Committee…

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How China’s Huawei technology is being used to censor news halfway across the world

When a staffer at the independent media website Iwacu in the central African state of Burundi tried to visit the outlet online in late October, they received an error message instead. “Hum. Nous ne parvenons pas à trouver ce site;” the site could not be found  – even though the local media regulator had promised…

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Cuba passes regulations criminalizing online content, further restricting internet access

Miami, August 19, 2021 — The Committee to Protect Journalists today condemned the enactment of new telecommunications regulations in Cuba that will further censor information on the island, and called for their immediate repeal. On August 17, the Cuban government enacted new regulations that criminalize the sharing of “false” and “offensive” information online, and grant…

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Camila Acosta speaks from house arrest about covering Cuba’s historic protests

“I am not free, but at least I am out of the dungeons,” Camila Acosta told CPJ via messaging app after her release to house arrest on July 16 following a four-day detention for covering the recent protests in Cuba. Acosta, who is based in Havana, covered protests on July 11 for the Cuban independent…

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Journalists detained and harassed, internet disrupted amid Cuban protests

Miami, July 14, 2021 — Cuban authorities should immediately and unconditionally release all detained journalists, stop disrupting internet access in the country, and allow the press to cover protests freely, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Since July 11, protests have erupted in several Cuban cities, with demonstrators calling for the end of the country’s…

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Cuban journalist Lázaro Yuri Valle Roca held by police since June 15

Miami, June 22, 2021 — Cuban authorities must immediately release journalist Lázaro Yuri Valle Roca, drop any charges against him, and allow the press to report freely, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. On June 15, agents from the Cuban Revolutionary Police detained Valle when he presented himself at the Zapata y C police…

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Cuban journalist Mary Karla Ares transferred to prison

Miami, May 27, 2021 – Cuban authorities should release journalist Mary Karla Ares immediately and drop the criminal investigation into her work, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Yesterday, authorities transferred Ares to the Western Women’s Prison in the La Lisa municipality of Havana, after holding her in a police facility since her April…

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