


Virginia authorities seize images from student paper

Attorneys representing a student newspaper and a county prosecutor have agreed to temporarily seal images seized from the newspaper and transfer them to a third party until the dispute over the images is settled, reported The Breeze, the student-run publication of James Madison University in Virginia. But the Rockingham County Commonwealth Attorney’s office is still pressing for at least some of…

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Getting Away With Murder

CPJ’s 2010 Impunity Index spotlights countrieswhere journalists are slain and killers go free New York, April 20, 2010—Deadly, unpunished violence against the press has soared in the Philippines and Somalia, the Committee to Protect Journalists has found in its newly updated Impunity Index, a list of countries where journalists are killed regularly and governments fail…

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Fighting impunity with solidarity, unity, and a symbol

We will not make significant advances in the battle against crimes against journalists and the impunity surrounding them without the creation of a sense of unity and solidarity among a country’s news media and journalists. Nor will the cause advance without a strategy by international press freedom organizations to provide support for those two values.

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Audio Report: Getting Away With Murder

In our special report, “Getting Away With Murder” CPJ names and shames countries where journalists are killed regularly and governments are unable or unwilling to solve the crimes. Here, María Salazar-Ferro explains CPJ’s Impunity Index, detailing what nations are failing and which ones are showing improvement. Listen to the mp3 on the player above, or…

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Freed Cuban journalist tells of his ‘dreadful experience’

When I asked Cuban journalist Oscar Sánchez Madan to describe in one sentence his three years in jail, he told me: “I don’t wish on anybody the dreadful experience I had in prison.” A municipal court in Unión de Reyes, province of Matanzas, freed him on Sunday after he completed a three-year prison term. Around 6 a.m.,…

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Oscar Sánchez Madan freed from jail in Cuba

In early 2007, freelancer Oscar Sánchez Madan was detained twice and warned to stop working for the independent press after he covered a local corruption scandal and social problems in western Matanzas province, where he lived. He was arrested in April 2007 and, after a one-day trial, Cuban authorities convicted him of “social dangerousness,” a vague charge contained in…

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Le Nouvelliste resumes daily publication in Haiti

Three months after the January 12 earthquake, Haiti’s oldest newspaper, Le Nouvelliste, has resumed daily publication. The April 6 issue not only signaled the resumption of daily publication, it marked a return to some normality, said Frantz Duval, the daily’s new editor-in-chief.

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Cambio de Michoacán

Journalist missing in western Mexico

New York, April 9, 2010—The Committee to Protect Journalists voiced concern today about the fate of Mexican journalist Ramón Ángeles Zalpa, left, who has been missing since Tuesday, according to his family and reports in the local press.

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Media center in Haiti has become ‘anchor point’ for press

Three months after it opened, Haitian journalists are still benefitting from the wide-ranging services provided by the Media Operations Center, which has provided a workspace for journalists after the earthquake. While radio stations based in the capital are back on the air, the long power cuts and problems accessing the Internet are still prompting journalists…

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This still from the WikiLeaks footage shows a wounded Iraqi being put into a van during a 2007 attack by the U.S. military. (Reuters)

Technicalities: 10 Questions on WikiLeaks

Monday’s release of graphic video footage of an attack by the U.S. military on two Reuters journalists vividly depicted the dangers involved in covering a battlefield. It also thrust into the spotlight WikiLeaks, the enigmatic Web site responsible for obtaining, decoding, and publicizing the footage. Here’s 10 questions answered on WikiLeaks, including how it works, its goals, and some…

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