


A threat and a shooting raise concerns in provincial capital

New York, February 8, 2006—The Committee to Protect Journalists is very concerned that two weekend incidents in the Colombian city of Montería, capital of Córdoba province, will reinforce self-censorship in a region where journalists already work in fear. An investigative newspaper reporter fled the city on Sunday after receiving death threats, while a radio host…

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Action follows newspaper attack; Mexico to name special prosecutor for crimes against press

New York, February 8, 2006—The Committee to Protect Journalists applauds a Mexican official’s announcement today that the government will name a special prosecutor to investigate crimes against journalists. The move comes two days after gunmen stormed a newspaper office in the U.S.-Mexico border town of Nuevo Laredo, seriously wounding one reporter.

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Four Miami reporters harassed

FEBRUARY 7, 2006 Mario Vallejo, Univisión Channel 23 ATTACKED, HARASSED Osvaldo Duarte, Univisión Channel Alberto Tavares, Telemundo Channel 51 Lázaro Abreu, Telemundo Channel 51 HARASSED A guard at an immigration jail in Nassau attacked Vallejo, and police detained Abreu, Duarte, and Tavares as the four Miami-based journalists were covering the story of seven Cubans rescued…

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Reporter seriously wounded; border city plagued by violenceGunmen storm Mexican newspaper

New York, February 7, 2006—The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns Monday’s vicious attack against the offices of the newspaper El Mañana in Nuevo Laredo, a city on the U.S.-Mexican border that is plagued by drug-related violence. Unidentified assailants fired assault rifles and tossed a grenade at the newspaper’s offices, causing considerable damage and seriously wounding…

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Columnist arrested and accused of contempt

New York, February 6, 2006—The Committee to Protect Journalists is outraged by the imprisonment of a Mexican reporter. Angel Mario Ksheratto columnist for the daily Cuarto Poder in the southern state of Chiapas, was detained on Saturday and accused of contempt after missing a court date in connection with a criminal defamation complaint filed against…

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Threats target reporter who exposed police abuses

Dear Governor de la Sota: The Committee to Protect Journalists is deeply concerned about the safety of Argentine journalist Mariano Saravia, who has been threatened and harassed repeatedly since the publication of a book describing provincial police abuses.

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In Guatemala, a welcome decision to strike down ‘disrespect’ laws

New York, February 3, 2006—The Committee to Protect Journalists praises a decision by Guatemala’s highest court to strike down laws that criminalized expressions deemed offensive to public officials. The court ruled that desacato, or disrespect, provisions were unconstitutional and constituted “an attack on freedom of expression and the right to be informed.” In a ruling…

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Radio journalist assaulted

JANUARY 17, 2006 Posted February 1, 2006 Concepción Rodríguez Parra, Radio Lobo ATTACKED Rodríguez, who works for “En la mira,” a weekly program on Radio Lobo that criticizes local authorities, was attacked by unidentified assailants in the southern state of Veracruz.

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Police request reporter’s records

JANUARY 19, 2006 Posted January 31, 2006 Bill Dunphy, The Hamilton Spectator LEGAL ACTION Police asked a judge to order Dunphy, a senior reporter for the Hamilton, Ontario, daily, to turn over all records of his interviews with a convicted criminal. Police are investigating a 1998 murder of a local lawyer and her husband. They…

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Venezuelan judge issues gag order in high-profile murder case

New York, January 25, 2006—The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns a Caracas judge’s decision on Monday to issue a gag order prohibiting news outlets from reporting on the investigation into the 2004 murder of prosecutor Danilo Anderson. Judge Florencio Silano, acting at the request of Attorney General Isaías Rodríguez, barred the “publishing, spreading or exposition”…

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