February 9, 1999 His Excellency Joaquim Alberto Chissano President Avenida Julius Nyerere 2000 Caixa Postal 285 Maputo, Mozambique Your Excellency: The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) writes to express its deep alarm over the 23-day detention of Fernando Quinova, Cabo Delgado province correspondent for the Mass Communications Institute, in retaliation for the journalist’s critical reporting.
3 de febrero de 1999 Su Excelencia Fidel Castro Ruz Presidente de Cuba c/o Misión Cubana en las Naciones Unidas Nueva York, NY Su Excellencia, El Comité para la Protección de Periodistas (CPJ) le escribe para denunciar la reciente represión de periodistas independientes en Cuba. El hostigamiento, detención y encarcelación de periodistas cuyo único delito…
February 3, 1999 His Excellency Fidel Castro Ruz President of Cuba c/o United Nations Mission New York, NY Your Excellency, The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is writing to condemn the recent crackdown on the independent press in Cuba. The harassment, arrest, detention, and imprisonment of journalists who have committed no crime other than to…
February 3, 1999 Prime Minister Mikulas Dzurinda Republic of Slovakia Dear Mr. Dzurinda, The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is seeking clarification of the reasons behind the recent dismissal of 26 employees (see list below) of the Slovak Television Station (STV). After you came to power following the September elections, Milan Materak was chosen to…
February 3, 1999 His Excellency Fidel Castro Ruz President of Cuba c/o United Nations Mission New York, NY Your Excellency, The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is writing to condemn the recent crackdown on the independent press in Cuba. The harassment, arrest, detention, and imprisonment of journalists who have committed no crime other than to…
February 3, 1999 Prime Minister Mikulas Dzurinda Republic of Slovakia Dear Mr. Dzurinda, The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is seeking clarification of the reasons behind the recent dismissal of 26 employees (see list below) of the Slovak Television Station (STV). After you came to power following the September elections, Milan Materak was chosen to…
January 23, 1999 His Excellency President Robert Mugabe Office of the President Causeway, Harare Zimbabwe Your Excellency: The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is outraged over the acts of torture reportedly committed by military police and Central Intelligence Organization (CIO) agents against Mark Chavunduka and Ray Choto, editor and reporter respectively, for the weekly independent…
January 23, 1999 His Excellency President Robert Mugabe Office of the President Causeway, Harare Zimbabwe Your Excellency: The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is outraged over the acts of torture reportedly committed by military police and Central Intelligence Organization (CIO) agents against Mark Chavunduka and Ray Choto, editor and reporter respectively, for the weekly independent…
January 23, 1999 His Excellency Boris Yeltsin President of the Russian Federation Your Excellency: The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is deeply troubled by the criminal prosecution of Altaf Galeyev for practicing his profession of journalism. His trial is scheduled to begin on February 4, 1999. Galeyev was formerly the news director of Radio Titan,…
January 23, 1999 His Excellency Boris Yeltsin President of the Russian Federation Your Excellency: The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is deeply troubled by the criminal prosecution of Altaf Galeyev for practicing his profession of journalism. His trial is scheduled to begin on February 4, 1999. Galeyev was formerly the news director of Radio Titan,…