
141 results

Somaliland editor sentenced to 3 years in prison

New York, January 24, 2011–The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns a three-year prison sentence handed to a newspaper editor in the semi-autonomous republic of Somaliland in connection with a story alleging public corruption. 

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Somaliland obstructs UK satellite station

New York, October 7, 2010–Authorities in Somaliland should immediately lift a suspension order imposed against the UK-based satellite broadcaster Universal TV, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. The order bars the station’s correspondents from reporting in the breakaway republic in northern Somalia, Khadar Mahamed, Universal TV senior newscaster and producer, told CPJ.

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Voters at a Somaliland polling station on June 26. (Ahmed Kheyre)

Somaliland elections and coverage surprisingly…normal

Critical voices in the East African media—whether in Ethiopia, Rwanda, Burundi, or Uganda—have been intimidated, banned, blocked, and beaten prior to elections in recent years. Somalia is so embroiled in conflict that even the concept of having elections remains a faraway dream. But in late June, the semi-autonomous region of Somaliland in northern Somalia managed to hold relatively peaceful and free elections with decent media…

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Radio Horyaal director, jailed in Somaliland, should be freed

New York, September 9, 2009—Police should release Mohamed Osman, director of Radio Horyaal, who has been held without charge since his arrest on Saturday outside parliament in Hargeisa, capital of the breakaway republic of Somaliland, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

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Somaliland cracks down on independent media

New York, August 24, 2009–The Committee to Protect Journalists called today for an end to an ongoing government crackdown on independent journalists in Somaliland.

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Somaliland government increases attacks on press

New York, July 22, 2009–The Committee to Protect Journalist condemns the government’s growing crackdown on the independent press in the northern breakaway republic of Somaliland as September presidential elections near. 

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Somaliland expels 24 journalists

New York, December 5, 2007–CPJ condemns the Somaliland authorities’ decision to expel 24 Somali journalists from Hargeisa, the capital of the northern breakaway republic. The group had recently fled there to escape ongoing persecution in Mogadishu, Somalia. Yesterday, Somaliland Police Chief General Mohammed Saqadhi Dubad and the head of the Criminal Investigations Department, General Ahmed…

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In Somaliland, two journalists arrested in separate incidents

November 29, 2007 Posted January 10, 2008  

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SOMALIA:In Somaliland, TV journalist assaulted by mayor, held three days

JUNE 28, 2006 Posted August 10, 2007 Abdirahman Muse Omar, Somaliland Television IMPRISONED Omar, a news editor for private broadcaster Somaliland Television in the northern breakaway republic of Somaliland, was assaulted on June 28 by Mayor Hussein Muhammud Jiir after seeking official comments about the police’s expulsion of a family and the destruction of their…

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Somaliland reporter released after five days of imprisonment

 UPDATE  July 19, 2007Original Alert: July 18, 2007 Abdirahman Mohammed Habane, Jamhuuriya

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