
141 results

Somaliland police beat TV reporter with rubber pipe

A journalist in the northern breakaway republic of Somaliland was attacked by police while covering a child custody dispute in a local court on August 4, 2012, according to local journalists and news reports. 

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CPJ calls on Somaliland president to end press crackdown

Dear President Ahmed Mohamoud Silyano: We are writing to express our alarm over deteriorating conditions for independent journalists in Somaliland. The Committee to Protect Journalists has monitored 58 cases of journalist detentions by authorities since the beginning of the year. We urge you to use your office to reverse this trend of harassment and uphold your 2010 election campaign pledge to respect and improve freedom of the press.

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Abdiweli Farah and Mohamed Abdi Jama, chief editors of Ogaal and Waheen, respectively, say the government has not lived up to its promises. (CPJ/Tom Rhodes)

Mission Journal: Somaliland’s press harassed, disappointed

“I’m free but I don’t feel free,” said Mohamed Abdi Urad, chief editor of Yool, a critical weekly published in the semi-autonomous republic of Somaliland. Mohamed had just been released on May 22 after a week in detention at Hargeisa Central Police Station. His crime? “I have no idea,” he said. Mohamed had attempted to…

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In Somaliland, two journalists detained without charge

New York, April 6, 2012–Authorities in Somaliland must immediately release two journalists who have been detained without charge for days in apparent violation of regional law, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

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Journalist Mohamed Abdirahman was arrested and brutally assaulted while in police custody. (Omer Albashiir)

Somaliland reporter arrested, beaten in custody

New York, February 28, 2012–The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns last week’s arrest and brutal assault of Mohamed Abdirahman, a journalist in the semi-autonomous republic of Somaliland. 

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At least 21 Somaliland journalists were detained this past weekend while protesting the shutdown of a broadcaster. (SOLJA/Said Askar)

In Somaliland, crackdown on the press continues

New York, January 17, 2012–The Committee to Protect Journalists is alarmed by the deteriorating press conditions in the semi-autonomous republic of Somaliland after this weekend’s detention of 21 journalists protesting a police raid on a private broadcaster.

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President Ahmed Mohamoud Silyano pledged to improve press freedom conditions in Somaliland during his 2010 election campaign. (AP/Teresa Krug)

Somaliland: 7 journalists arrested in a week, 3 still held

New York, January 13, 2012– The Committee to Protect Journalists is alarmed by the recent spate of arrests of independent reporters in the semi-autonomous republic of Somaliland. 

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TV journalist held without charge in Somaliland

New York, January 10, 2012–The Committee to Protect Journalists today called on authorities in the semi-autonomous republic of Somaliland to explain why they have detained Royal Television correspondent Yusuf Ali since Sunday. 

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Waheen reporter Saleban Abdi Ali was harassed by Special Protection Unit officers. (NUSOJ)

Journalists continue to be targeted in Somaliland

New York, September 12, 2011–Authorities in the semi-autonomous republic of Somaliland are obstructing independent journalists from covering government politics, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Four reporters have been harassed and arrested while on assignment since early September.

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Somaliland editor sentenced to 3 years in prison

New York, January 24, 2011–The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns a three-year prison sentence handed to a newspaper editor in the semi-autonomous republic of Somaliland in connection with a story alleging public corruption. 

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