
379 results

Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi

On fifth anniversary of Khashoggi murder, CPJ joins call for Biden administration to prioritize human rights in Saudi Arabia

Five years have passed since the heinous murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the country’s consulate in Istanbul on October 2, 2018, in an operation that US intelligence found to have been approved by Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS).

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CPJ condemns Moroccan court’s rejection of appeals by jailed journalists Soulaiman Raissouni and Omar Radi

New York, July 19, 2023 – In response to news reports that the Moroccan court of cassation in Rabat on Tuesday rejected the final appeals of jailed journalists Soulaiman Raissouni and Omar Radi, the Committee to Protect Journalists issued the following statement of condemnation: “We are deeply disappointed by the court’s decision to keep Soulaiman…

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Fragile Progress: Part 4

A CPJ special report on the struggle for press freedom in the EU EU access and transparency The press corps remains a major actor in Brussels in spite of a decline in the number of accredited correspondents as many legacy media downsized staff or began covering the EU from outside of Brussels. The European Commission’s…

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Fragile Progress: Part 5

A CPJ special report on the struggle for press freedom in the EU Fighting impunity CPJ’s 2022 Global Impunity Index found that no one has been held to account for nearly 80% of 263 journalist murders over the past 10 years worldwide. Could the EU play a more active role in the fight against impunity,…

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Journalists detained, harassed while covering Nigerian election

At least 14 journalists and media workers were detained, harassed, or attacked while covering Nigeria’s presidential and federal elections on February 25. WikkiTimes editor Haruna Mohammed Salisu was among those arrested, and was held until Thursday, when he was released on bail. Those incidents came after political protesters attacked journalist Jonathan Ugbal on February 22,…

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Tunisian authorities arrest Mosaique FM director Noureddine Boutar

New York, February 14, 2023 – Tunisian authorities must immediately and unconditionally release journalist Noureddine Boutar and allow journalists and media workers to work freely, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Tuesday. On Monday, February 13, police raided and searched the home of Boutar, the director of the local independent radio station and news website…

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CPJ joins calls for credible investigation into death of Rwandan journalist John Williams Ntwali

CPJ joined about 100 other human rights and press freedom organizations Tuesday in a joint statement calling on the Rwandan government to ensure an “independent, impartial, and effective investigation” into the death of journalist John Williams Ntwali. Authorities said that Ntwali died on January 18 in a traffic accident in the capital city of Kigali….

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Attacks on the Press in 2022

Explore the data from CPJ’s 2021 report on Attacks on the Press worldwide.

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Drawing of a hand holding a phone that displays an eye while spyware downloads. Audiovisual icons show the range of media spyware can access or activate.

CPJ Insider: November 2022 edition

Zero-click spyware poses existential crisis for journalism: A Q&A with CPJ Technology Editor Madeline Earp CPJ recently released its special report, “How zero-click surveillance threatens reporters, sources, and global press freedom.” For this month’s Insider, we spoke to Madeline Earp, CPJ’s technology editor, about how governments use spyware against journalists–and what CPJ is doing to…

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New US Justice Department guidelines on source protection ‘an important step to protect press freedom’

On Wednesday, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland announced the revision of the Justice Department’s regulations to restrict federal prosecutors’ ability to obtain journalists’ phone and email records in government leak investigations with narrow exceptions. The Department of Justice said this decision codifies Garland’s July 2021 policy change to extend the protections. “This is an important…

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