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Equatorial Guinea President Teodoro Obiang seen here with Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi. (AFP)

Equatorial Guinea suspends journalist over Libya mention

New York, March 2, 2011–The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns Equatorial Guinea’s censorship of coverage of events in North Africa, the Middle East, and Ivory Coast. A state radio presenter’s reference to Libya during a live radio program on Friday led censors to abruptly force the journalist off the air and order an indefinite suspension from the…

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Attacks on the Press in 2010

A Worldwide Survey by the Committee to Protect Journalists Table of Contents Preface by Riz Khan International Institutions Fail to Defend Press Freedom by Joel Simon Exposing the Internet’s Shadowy Assailants by Danny O’Brien Journalists Killed Journalists in Prison Regional Analyses AFRICA: Governments Criminalize Investigative Reporting by Mohamed Keita AMERICAS: In Latin America, a Return…

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Attacks on the Press 2010: Middle East and North Africa Analysis

Suppression Under the Cover of National Security By Mohamed Abdel Dayem Relying on an extensive network of sources in the military, government, and Islamist groups, Yemeni freelance journalist Abdulelah Shaea had become a frequent and pointed critic of the administration’s counterterrorism efforts. By July, President Ali Abdullah Saleh’s government had enough, dispatching security agents to…

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Attacks on the Press 2010: Egypt

Top Developments • Government blocks satellite TV, news texting ahead of parliamentary vote. • Political maneuvering seen as critical editor sacked, another jailed. Key Statistic 12: Satellite television stations taken off the air one month before the election. Back in 2005, reporters exposed widespread ballot fraud and voter intimidation during the country’s first multi-party presidential…

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Attacks on the Press 2010: Iran

Top Developments • Authorities sustain their crack- down on critical journalists, arresting dozens. • Journalists face harsh prison terms and mistreatment in custody. Key Statistic 34: Journalists imprisoned on December 1. Along with China, Iran is the world’s worst jailer of the press. Defying international condemnation, the government sustained its widespread crackdown on the press,…

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Attacks on the Press 2010: Iraq

Top Developments • New press court, politically motivated lawsuits raise alarm. • As instability festers, five journalists, three support workers are killed. Key Statistic $1 billion Damages sought by the Kurdistan Democratic Party from a newspaper that detailed alleged political corruption. Instability festered throughout the year as political parties wrangled to form a new government…

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Attacks on the Press 2010: Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory

Top Developments • In West Bank, Gaza, journalists face obstruction from all sides. • Israeli fire kills Lebanese reporter during border clash. Key Statistic 18: Journalists detained when Israeli forces raided a Gaza-bound aid convoy. The press operated in a highly polarized environment as Israeli, Hamas, and Fatah officials, all intent on controlling international news…

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Attacks on the Press 2010: Lebanon

Top Developments • Tensions rise, media polarized as U.N. special tribunal closes in on indictments. • Technology bill includes several provisions that could restrict press freedom. Key Statistic 0: Arrests made in the murders of two journalists and a bomb attack against a third journalist in 2005. Political tensions grew sharply in late year as…

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Attacks on the Press 2010: Sudan

Top Developments • Censorship intensifies before election; beatings, imprisonments reported. • Authorities use surveillance, harassment, severe legal restrictions to control news. Key Statistic 3: Rai al-Shaab journalists imprisoned, one of whom reported being tortured in custody. Sudanese journalists faced a familiar, toxic combination of censorship, legalistic harassment, and intimidation as a potentially historic national election…

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Attacks on the Press 2010: Tunisia

Top Developments • Targeting journalists, government criminalizes contact with foreign organizations. • Private broadcast licenses are controlled by Ben Ali’s family and friends. Key Statistic 5: Years of imprisonment for violations of new law barring contact with foreign groups. Tunisia remained one of the region’s most repressive nations even as it sought to project an…

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