ebrima manneh

82 results

2008 prison census: 125 journalists jailed

Journalists in prison as of December 1, 2008 Read the accompanying report: “Online and in jail”

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CPJ’s 2008 prison census: Online and in jail

Also: See capsule reports on journalists in jail as of December 1, 2008 New York, December 4, 2008–Reflecting the rising influence of online reporting and commentary, more Internet journalists are jailed worldwide today than journalists working in any other medium. In its annual census of imprisoned journalists, released today, the Committee to Protect Journalists found…

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CPJ Impact

November 2008News from the Committee to Protect Journalists

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The Witness

The writer spent months trying to find a colleague secretly jailed in the Gambia. Then he took the witness stand.

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West African journalists fight back

This week marks a significant change in the press freedom climate for journalists in West Africa: Journalists, media organizations, and activists in the region fought back against attacks and censorship against the press, in contrast to a decade ago, when the media was too oppressed and scared to speak out. In Sierra Leone, Guinea, and…

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Press freedom in the news 8/29/08

Philippine blog The Mindanao Examiner has an open letter to President Gloria Arroyo that is critical of her approach to press freedom in the country, one of the most deadly for journalists. The Sun Star has an update on their blog Arroyo Watch that examines her comments critical of the media. CPJ’s Global Campaign Against…

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CPJ Impact

August 2008News from the Committee to Protect Journalists

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Attacks on the Press 2007: The Gambia

Fewer press-related detentions and attacks were reported in 2007, CPJ research showed, but local journalists said the decline reflected several years of intense government suppression. One prominent journalist was slain and others have been forced into exile since 2004, leaving a more compliant press that practices widespread self-censorship. A mere handful of publications provide critical…

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2007 prison census: 127 journalists jailed

Detailed accounts of each imprisoned journalist.

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127 journalists in prison as of December 1, 2007

Detailed accounts of each imprisoned journalist.

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