
2002 results

2011 prison census: 179 journalists jailed worldwide

As of December 1, 2011    |   » Read the accompanying report, “Journalist imprisonments jump worldwide, and Iran is worst”

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Video: Freeing Eynulla Fatullayev

In this video companion to CPJ’s 2011 census of imprisoned journalists, Azerbaijani editor Eynulla Fatullayev describes his own time in prison and how international advocacy can make a difference in winning the freedom of jailed reporters, editors, photojournalists, and bloggers. (4:47) Read the special report “Imprisonments jump worldwide” and view our database of journalists in…

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Uighur journalists who covered protests such as this one in 2009 were sentenced to harsh prison terms. (AP)

China’s jailed Uighurs: Out of sight, not out of mind

For the first time in more than a decade, China is not the world’s worst jailer of the press in CPJ’s annual census of imprisoned journalists. Among the 27 jailed in China, one group has seen a massive jump in imprisonments. In another first since CPJ began taking its census, more than half of those…

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The government of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, foreground, is holding seven journalists, most on anti-state charges. (Reuters)

Intimidation or imprisonment by ‘democratic instruments’

Three years ago, I met Minister Bereket Simon at his office at the center of Addis Ababa. I was with my colleague Abiye Teklemariam — who was recently charged with terrorism, treason and espionage along with five other journalists, including myself.

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Six years later: Hayatullah Khan’s family calls for justice

Six years after the murder of journalist Hayatullah Khan, his brother Ahsan Ahmad Khan has asked CPJ to put pressure on the government and the Supreme Court of Pakistan to ensure that a special investigation carried out in September 2006 into the journalist’s death be released. (A copy of Ahsan Ahmad’s message can be found…

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Pakistan should release investigation into 2006 death

Dear President Zardari: This week marks the six-year anniversary of the abduction of journalist Hayatullah Khan. We join his family in asking your government to release the report on the investigation into his death that was prepared by High Court Justice Mohammed Reza Khan in September 2006 under the orders of former President Pervez Musharraf.

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2011 Map

d6d6d6 ffffff ffffff 16 ffffff 990000 25,60 180 Azerbaijan: 155,46/imprisoned/images/text.swf?n=AZ: 1&c=55000028.3666002653408javascript:showme(‘#azerbaijan’); Bahrain: 121,50.637772/imprisoned/images/text.swf?n=BH: 1&c=55000028.3666002653408javascript:showme(‘#bahrain’); Burma: 1212,95/imprisoned/images/text.swf?n=BU: 12&c=C3000048.9827534923789javascript:showme(‘#burma’); Burundi: 1-14,28/imprisoned/images/text.swf?n=BI: 1&c=55000028.3666002653408javascript:showme(‘#burundi’); China: 2739,110/imprisoned/images/text.swf?n=CN: 27&c=FF000063.4741302385683javascript:showme(‘#china’); Egypt: 225,25/imprisoned/images/text.swf?n=EG: 2&c=5F000031.8321595661992javascript:showme(‘#egypt’); Eritrea: 283,40/imprisoned/images/text.swf?n=ER: 28&c=FF000064.2718872423573javascript:showme(‘#eritrea’); Ethiopia: 7-16,40/imprisoned/images/text.swf?n=ET: 7&c=91000042.1359436211787javascript:showme(‘#ethiopia’); Gambia: 111,-15.310/imprisoned/images/text.swf?n=GM: 1&c=55000028.3666002653408javascript:showme(‘#gambia’); India: 210.593684,76/imprisoned/images/text.swf?n=IN: 2&c=5F000031.8321595661992javascript:showme(‘#india’); Iran: 4234,75/imprisoned/images/text.swf?n=IR: 42&c=FF000074.2217668469038javascript:showme(‘#iran’); Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory: 736,37/imprisoned/images/text.swf?n=IL: 7&c=91000042.1359436211787javascript:showme(‘#israel_opt’); Vietnam: 919.5,114/imprisoned/images/text.swf?n=VN: 9&c=A5000045.0998007960223javascript:showme(‘#vietnam’); Uzbekistan: 560,58/imprisoned/images/text.swf?n=UZ: 5&c=7D000038.7082869338697javascript:showme(‘#uzbekistan’);…

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CPJ Impact

News from the Committee to Protect Journalists, November 2011 Honoring those who buck the system CPJ and about 900 supporters recently embarked on an emotional journey with four journalists from Bahrain, Belarus, Mexico, and Pakistan. At the 2011 International Press Freedom Awards in New York’s Waldorf Astoria on November 22, we celebrated their daring reporting…

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From safety of New York, reporting on distant home

Nigerian journalist and ex-pat Omoyele Sowore is the focus of this New York Times Piece on exiled journalists in New York City.  Since 2001 CPJ cites 649 journalists who have been driven into exile, 592 or which still have not returned to their home country. Despite some being thousands of miles from home, the rapid…

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Azerbaijani journalist’s death requires investigation

New York, November 23, 2011– The demise of freelance journalist Rafiq Tagi in a Baku hospital today following his stabbing four days ago by unknown assailants, must be fully investigated, said the Committee to Protect Journalists.

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