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Our People

CPJ is made up of about 40 experts around the world, with headquarters in New York City. View opportunities for employment. International Program Network

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Supporters of Press Freedom

The Committee to Protect Journalists is extremely grateful to the individuals, corporations, and foundations whose generosity makes our work possible. This list includes donors who made gifts during the period from January 1 to December 31, 2016. We also extend our gratitude to the many contributors who supported CPJ with gifts under $500, not listed…

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Board of Directors

CPJ’s board of directors is comprised of journalists, media executives, and leaders from related professions. They provide strategic guidance to the organization, participate in advocacy missions, and facilitate meetings, including some with high-level government officials. Senior Advisers CPJ’s senior advisers include leading journalists and others whose advice and service greatly benefit the organization.

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CPJ Briefing: Gueï ‘s Way

Cote d’Ivoire’s new dictator pledges to respect press freedom — up to a point

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CPJ Dangerous Assignments: Profile in Courage

Zeljko Kopanja lost his legs for daring to suggest that some of his fellow Bosnian Serbs were guilty of war crimes.

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Dateline Afghanistan: journalism under the Taliban

The Taliban are hardly press freedom champions. Even so, Afghan journalism is showing signs of life.

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CPJ Outraged at Murder of Slavko Curuvija

April 12,1999 — The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), a nonpartisan orginazation dedicated to the defense of press freedom around the world, is saddened and angered by the cold-blooded assassination of Slavko Curuvija, a publisher and editor in chief of the Belgrade-based daily Dnevni Telegraf and the weekly  Evropljanin. Ann Cooper, CPJ’s executive director, called the…

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Jang Group of Newspapers Targeted by Government

Your Excellency, The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is shocked by the range of tactics your administration is using to harass and intimidate the Jang Group of Newspapers, Pakistan’s largest newspaper publishing company.

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Solomon Islands: Government imposes harsh media regulations under state of emergency

The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is deeply concerned over your administration’s decision to impose draconian regulations governing all media coverage of the ethnic tensions there. On June 28, the Governor General issued an amendment to the Emergency Powers Act of 1999 (see below) that threatens journalists who violate state–imposed reporting restrictions with up to two years imprisonment or a fine of up to SI$5,000 (US$1,050), or both. The regulations prohibit any reporting that “may incite violence,” “is likely to cause racial disharmony,” or that is “likely to be prejudicial to the safety or interests of the state.” There are also provisions in the amendment that criminalize the possession of an official document by anyone “who has no right to retain it.”

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Colombia: Leftist rebels kidnap seven journalists

New York, November 1, 1999 — Leftist guerrillas abducted seven journalists whom they had invited to cover alleged atrocities committed by paramilitary forces against local farmers. The seven journalists were intercepted on October 29 by members of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). This is the second Colombian media kidnapping in less than a…

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