3005 results

CPJ condemns use of criminal defamation law

New York, May 6, 2005—Using antiquated criminal laws dating back to Indonesia’s colonial era, a district court in the city of Lampung on the island of Sumatra found two journalists guilty of criminal defamation and sentenced them to nine months in prison on Wednesday. The Committee to Protect Journalists today condemned the ruling and the…

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MAY 4, 2005 Posted: May 17, 2005 Darwin Ruslinur, KoridorBudiono Saputro, Koridor LEGAL ACTION Using antiquated criminal laws dating back to Indonesia’s colonial era, a district court in the city of Lampung on the island of Sumatra found the two journalists guilty of criminal defamation and sentenced them to nine months in prison. Darwin Ruslinur,…

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Marked for Death

The Five Most Murderous Countries for Journalists

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Crackdown in Cuba

Dozens of Latin American writers join CPJ in urging Castro to release jailed colleagues

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Surviving Cuba’s Prisons

Unbowed, Jorge Olivera Castillo emerges from jail to speak out.

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Nepal: Laws

Nothing against the “letter and spirit” This directive for journalists was published in Gorkhapatra, the government-owned daily, on February 3: “Invoking Sub Clause 1 of Clause 15 of His Majesty’s Print and Publication Act 2048 and considering the nation and national interest, His Majesty’s Government has banned for six months any interview, article, news, notice,…

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A country silenced

Nepal After the Coup

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American photographer detained

New York, April 27, 2005— Sudanese security forces in Darfur, Sudan, detained an American freelance photographer yesterday as he photographed a refugee camp. Hartford-based Brad Clift is under house arrest at a United States Agency for International Development office building after being detained in Nyala in the Darfur region of Sudan, the daily Hartford Courant…

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APRIL 26, 2005 Posted: May 3, 2005 Zheng Yichun, freelance LEGAL ACTION, IMPRISONED Zheng was tried in Yingkou Intermediate Court on charges of inciting subversion. A prolific Internet writer and poet, he had been imprisoned since December 3 after writing articles critical of the Communist Party and Chinese government policy.

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APRIL 26, 2005 Posted: May 17, 2005 Brad Clift, freelance IMPRISONED Sudanese security forces detained Clift while he was taking photographs at an internally displaced persons camp outside Nyala, capital of Darfur’s southern state. Clift works for The Hartford Courant but was in Sudan as a freelancer traveling with the relief group, Hartford Catholic Worker,…

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