3005 results

Time and New York Times

New York, June 27, 2005—The U.S. Supreme Court has rejected an appeal filed by two journalists who refused to reveal their sources concerning the leak of a CIA officer’s identity. The journalists, Matthew Cooper of Time Magazine and Judith Miller of The New York Times, each face up to 18 months in jail for refusing…

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Three journalists jailed on criminal charges

New York, June 22, 2005—Chadian authorities have jailed three journalists since yesterday in the capital, N’Djamena, on criminal charges stemming from critical reporting, sources told the Committee to Protect Journalists. Today, authorities arrested and jailed Michaël Didama, publication director of the private weekly Le Temps. According to local sources, Didama was charged with defamation and…

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JUNE 18, 2005 Posted: June 30, 2005 and fm9225.comCENSORED The Ministry of Information and Communications Technology (MICT) issued an order to shut down and for allegedly threatening national security and disturbing public order, and for allegedly failing to register the owners’ names properly, according to local and international news reports.

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JULY 6, 2005 Posted: July 7, 2005 Judith Miller, The New York Times IMPRISONED U.S. District Court Judge Thomas F. Hogan ordered reporter Miller jailed immediately for refusing to reveal her confidential source to a grand jury investigating the leak of a CIA operative’s identity. He ordered her held on a contempt of court charge…

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JULY 6, 2005 Posted: July 18, 2005 Rafiqul Islam, Amar Desh ATTACKED Rafiqul, a correspondent for the daily in the northwestern town of Rajshahi, was assaulted by a group of men he identified to local reporters as activists of the ruling party’s student wing, Jatiyatabadi Chhatra Dal (JCD). As many as 10 attackers entered the…

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Dozens of journalists arrested in Nepal

New York, June 8, 2005—Riot police in the Nepalese capital, Kathmandu, today arrested dozens of journalists who were protesting the government’s emergency press restrictions and proposed media law amendments that are expected to codify and stiffen those constraints. Local sources said police detained as many as 50 journalists, including the president of the Federation of…

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Violence against the press on the rise

New York, June 2, 2005—Police, political leaders, and criminals violently attacked over a dozen journalists in five separate incidents across Bangladesh in recent days. On May 26, a criminal gang attacked Manunur Rashid Rabi, correspondent for the daily Nayadiganto, in the eastern town of Gangni, police said. The attack was in retaliation for his articles…

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MAY 27, 2005 Posted: June 7, 2005 Wahid Hassan Raja, Bhorer Kagoj, Nayeem Parvez, Amar Desh, Shamim Mansur, Jugantor, Kajol Hazra, Samakal, Unidentified photographer, The Independent,

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Arabic Satellite Channels and Censorship

Arabic Satellite Channels and Censorship By Joel Campagna Committee to Protect Journalists

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Journalists protest in Nepal as further media restrictions are reported

New York, May 24, 2005—Hundreds of journalists took to the streets of Nepal’s capital, Kathmandu, today in a silent protest of reported government moves to amend the media law to impose further restrictions on the press. The Kathmandu-based dailies Kantipur and Kathmandu Post, citing an unnamed source, reported late last week that officials had moved…

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