3005 results

Zimbabwean journalist acquitted in important test case

New York, August 31, 2005—A magistrate in Zimbabwe’s capital, Harare, acquitted a journalist today on criminal charges of working without accreditation for the now-banned Daily News, according to his lawyer. Observers say the ruling in favor of Kelvin Jakachira could set an important precedent for several other former Daily News journalists facing the same charge.…

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Army head threatens closure of newspapers

New York, August 25, 2005—The Committee to Protect Journalists is concerned by a threat by the head of Ivory Coast’s armed forces to ban newspapers that fail to work “in the interests of the nation.” General Philippe Mangou summoned local journalists on Wednesday and told them to check their sources and avoid hate speech. He…

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AUGUST 24, 2005 Posted September 8, 2005 All newspapers THREATENED At a meeting with local journalists the head of Ivory Coast’s armed forces threatened to ban newspapers that fail to work “in the interests of the nation.” General Philippe Mangou told journalists to check their sources and avoid hate speech. He also warned them to…

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Media council lifts ban on independent radio station

New York, August 24, 2005—Chad lifted a ban on Tuesday on Radio Brakos which was taken off air three months ago for reports critical of government and military officials, station director Tchanguis Vatankah told CPJ. He said the station would resume broadcasting in the remote southern town of Moissala shortly but would join this week’s…

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Imprisoned journalist on hunger strike

New York, August 24, 2005—The Committee to Protect Journalists is deeply worried about the health of imprisoned journalist Adolfo Fernández Saínz, who began a hunger strike last week to protest the mistreatment of another imprisoned dissident. Fernández Saínz began the strike on Friday, after learning that imprisoned dissident Arnaldo Ramos Lauzurique had been beaten by…

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Sindh bans three newspapers, editor jailed

New York, August 23, 2005—The government of the southern province of Sindh banned three Karachi-based weekly newspapers last week accusing them of creating “sectarian extremism and hatred.” Officials withdrew the publication permits of the three weeklies on August 15 because they published “objectionable material” that caused “danger to public safety/order.” Police had already raided the…

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CPJ concerned about delay in witness testimony in Thai trial

New York, August 19, 2005—The Committee to Protect Journalists is concerned about a delay in the testimony of three international expert witnesses who were scheduled to appear in court in Bangkok this week in defense of media activist Supinya Klangnarong, who is on trial with the Thai-language daily Thai Post on criminal defamation charges. Shin…

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JULY 27, 2005 Posted: August 17, 2005 Radiodiffusion Télévision Ivoirienne (RTI) HARASSED, CENSORED A group of armed, uniformed soldiers stormed the Abidjan offices of state broadcaster Radiodiffusion Télévision Ivoirienne (RTI) and instructed directors not to broadcast footage of opposition members, according to CPJ sources and local news reports. The soldiers identified themselves as members of…

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CPJ condemns criminal defamation charges

New York, August 16, 2005—The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns the criminal defamation charges filed by two state-owned firms against the editor of the English-language daily Bangkok Post, Kowit Sanandang, and the newspaper’s parent company, Post Publishing Plc. The charges, announced today, carry penalties of up to two years in prison and a fine of…

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AUGUST 15, 2005 Updated: October17, 2005 Sy Koumbo Singa Gali, L’ObservateurGarondé Djarma, freelance IMPRISONED, LEGAL ACTION Chadian journalist Sy Koumbo Singa Gali was sentenced to one year in prison for “inciting hatred,” the fourth reporter jailed in a month in what local journalists called a growing crackdown on the independent press.

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