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NOVEMBER 11, 2005 POSTED: December 2, 2005 Christophe Boltanski, Libération ATTACKED Boltanski, a reporter with the French daily Libération, was beaten and stabbed by four men near his hotel in the diplomatic quarter of Tunis, which was heavily patrolled by police. He needed several stitches in a stab wound in his back. Boltanski was in…

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CPJ disturbed by court’’s failure to check repression of the media

New York, November 11, 2005 —Nepal’s Supreme Court today rejected media petitions for the suspension of a draconian new law that bans FM radio news broadcasts and curbs critical newspaper coverage. The Supreme Court is expected to issue a final ruling on the constitutionality of the law, which the government issued in October, in the…

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IPFA 2005 – Peter Jennings

Galima Bukharbaeva | Beatrice Mtetwa | Shi Tao | Lúico Flávio Pinto

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One journalist freed, another still in jail without charge

New York, November 8, 2005—A court in the Democratic Republic of Congo today freed journalist Jean-Marie Kanku on bail after 12 days of detention, press freedom group Journaliste en danger (JED) said. But journalist Patrice Booto, who was detained last week without charge, remains behind bars, JED said. Local journalists raised the detention of both…

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Media law called “unconstitutional” in Supreme Court hearing

New York, November 7, 2005—Nepal’s beleaguered independent media are urging the Supreme Court to strike down a government law curbing press freedom as unconstitutional. In a landmark case, the Court is expected to rule by the end of the week on the petition by nine media groups to block an ordinance issued in October that…

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Press conditions worsen nationwide

New York, November 3, 2005—Franck Kangundu, a veteran political affairs journalist at the independent daily La Référence Plus, was shot dead shortly after midnight by unidentified assassins who accosted him at his home in the capital, Kinshasa. The attackers also killed Kangundu’s wife, Hélène Mpaka. The Kinshasa-based press freedom organization Journaliste en Danger (JED) reported…

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Untold Stories

Threatened on all sides, Colombia’s news media muzzle themselves.

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The Hands That Feed

Colombia may be unique in the extent to which its press censors itself in fear of physical reprisals. Powerful economic factors, though hardly exceptional, add yet more pressure.

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Burmese: Delivering with Depth

BANGKOK, ThailandAfter Burmese troops fired on democracy demonstrators in August 1988, Aung Zaw, a student who had already been jailed for helping to publish pro-democracy pamphlets, fled into the jungle. Seventeen years later he has yet to return home. Aung Zaw, a pseudonym, is a senior member of a vibrant community of Burmese journalists in…

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Zimbabwe’s Exiled Press

Uprooted journalists struggle to keep careers, independent reporting alive.

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