3006 results

Journalists in Exile: 243 forced to leave their homelands since 2001

At least three journalists a month flee their home countries to escape threats of violence, imprisonment, or harassment.

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Journalists in Exile: 2007

At least three journalists a month flee their home countries to escape threats of violence, imprisonment, or harassment. By Elisabeth Witchel and Karen Phillips

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In Rwanda, government strips new journal’s license after first edition

New York, June 12, 2007—Rwanda’s Information Minister revoked the publication license of a newspaper without a required court order three days after the paper’s first edition. The Weekly Post, a privately owned, English-language weekly, did not publish this week after Information Minister Laurent Nkusi revoked its authorization, according to a copy of an official letter…

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Journalist gets death threats after critical news broadcast

MAY 29, 2007 Posted May 31, 2007 Ricky Carandang, ABS-CBN network THREATENED Carandang said he received death threats via cell phone while in Lanao del Norte, a province in the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM). The threats came a day after he reported that officials in the provincial treasurer’s office in the provincial capital,…

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Anya’s Paper: CPJ Special Report

Long before Anya Politkovskaya was slain, her newspaper suffered devastating losses. Yet Novaya Gazeta pushes ahead, investigating corruption, abuse and the deaths of its own reporters.

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Community radio stations come under fire

New York, May 21, 2007—The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns the harassment of three community radio stations in Thailand, including Confidante Radio FM 87.75, Taxi Driver Community Radio FM 92.75, and the Internet-based Saturday Voice Against Dictatorship. Officials from the prime minister’s public relations department (PRD) entered Confidante’s offices in Nonthaburi province on Thursday and…

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In Mexico, second grenade attack against northern newspaper

New York, May 17, 2007—The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns Wednesday’s grenade assault outside the offices of Cambio de Sonora, the second explosive attack in the last month against the Hermosillo-based daily. At 3:35 p.m., a grenade exploded in Cambio de Sonora’s parking lot in Hermosillo, about 1,000 miles (1,600 kilometers) northwest of Mexico City,…

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Thailand at a Crossroads: CPJ Special Report

After a military coup, community radio stations bear the brunt of official repression.

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In Thailand, legislation allows censorship of online news

New York, May 14, 2007—The Committee to Protect Journalists is concerned that new legislation in Thailand will further weaken press freedom guarantees. On Thursday, the military-appointed National Legislative Assembly (NLA) passed legislation granting the government the power to censor critical online news reports. The bill, which will become law after it receives approval from King…

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CPJ outraged by police beating of award-winning media lawyer in Zimbabwe

New York, May 10, 2007—The Committee to Protect Journalists today called for a full and transparent investigation into the police beating on Tuesday of prominent Zimbabwean human rights lawyer Beatrice Mtetwa, a 2005 recipient of CPJ’s International Press Freedom Award, and three other attorneys.

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