3006 results

2008 prison census: 125 journalists jailed

Journalists in prison as of December 1, 2008 Read the accompanying report: “Online and in jail”

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CPJ’s 2008 prison census: Online and in jail

Also: See capsule reports on journalists in jail as of December 1, 2008 New York, December 4, 2008–Reflecting the rising influence of online reporting and commentary, more Internet journalists are jailed worldwide today than journalists working in any other medium. In its annual census of imprisoned journalists, released today, the Committee to Protect Journalists found…

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Legacy of the Olympics: IOC off the mark

When the International Olympic Committee released its review of Beijing’s August Games a few days ago, it didn’t hold back from patting itself or China’s government on the back. The Games were, to quote the IOC’s fact sheet, “by almost every measure, an indisputable success.” One of the intangible results the IOC mentioned was that…

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Media under fire as political conflict intensifies

New York, December 1, 2008–As Thailand’s political crisis deepens, the Committee to Protect Journalists urgently calls on both sides of the conflict to end their attacks on reporters and media outlets and allow all journalists to report freely on breaking news. 

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CPJ International Press Freedom Awards 2008

18th Annual Awards Dinner To benefit the Committee to Protect Journalists Tuesday, November 25, 2008Grand Ballroom, The Waldorf-Astoria, New York CityWe would like to thank all of our supporters and dinner chair Jeff Zucker for an immensely successful event that raised $1.25 million for CPJ. Read more about the dinner here and view the overview…

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Spotlighting imprisonments, CPJ honors six press leaders

New York, November 26, 2008–The Committee to Protect Journalists honored five journalists with its 2008 International Press Freedom Awards in a ceremony Tuesday night that highlighted journalists imprisoned worldwide. A Zimbabwean media lawyer who has successfully defended numerous journalists facing prison was honored for her lifetime achievements.

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Spotlighting imprisonments, CPJ honors six press leaders

New York, November 26, 2008 –The Committee to Protect Journalists honored five journalists with its 2008 International Press Freedom Awards in a ceremony Tuesday night that highlighted journalists imprisoned worldwide. A Zimbabwean media lawyer who has successfully defended numerous journalists facing prison was honored for her lifetime achievements.

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Celebrating global truth-tellers: CPJ’s IPFAs

As guests mingled at the Waldorf-Astoria for the CPJ International Press Freedom Awards, the sound of gunfire echoed from a video screen–a stark reminder in an elegant environment of the dangers faced by the world press. Familiar names like NBC’s Andrea Mitchell, famed Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein, and Jim Willse, editor of New Jersey’s Star-Ledger,…

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CPJ mourns death of Congolese reporter

New York, November 24, 2008–Police in the Democratic Republic of Congo should thoroughly and transparently investigate the killing of a radio reporter on Friday, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

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Courage in Journalism

Fitting honors for those who risk their lives to do their jobsThe Washington PostNovember 21, 2008 Plainclothes Ugandan police officers descended yesterday on the newsroom of the weekly newsmagazine the Independent, seizing computer documents and attempting to deliver an arrest warrant to managing editor Andrew M. Mwenda. “Unluckily, I was out of Uganda,” Mr. Mwenda…

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