
884 results

Attacks on the Press 2001: Africa Analysis

Silence reigned supreme in Eritrea, where the entire independent press was under a government ban and 11 journalists languished in jail at year’s end. Clamorous, deadly power struggles raged in Zimbabwe over land and access to information, and in Burundi over ethnicity and control of state resources. South Africa, Senegal, and Benin remained relatively liberal…

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Attacks on the Press 2000: Table of Contents

PREFACE by Peter Arnett INTRODUCTION by Ann Cooper REGIONAL ANALYSES: Africa | Americas | Asia | Europe and Central Asia | Middle East and North Africa AFRICA country summaries Angola | Benin | Burkina Faso | Burundi | Cameroon | Chad | Democratic Republic of Congo | Eritrea | Ethiopia | Gambia | Ghana |…

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Attacks on the Press 2000: Africa Analysis

PRESS COVERAGE OF ARMED CONFLICTS CONTINUED TO STIR THE HOSTILITY of governments and rebel factions alike and claim reporters’ lives, but the prominent role of the press in the often-volatile process of democratization also brought unprecedented challenges to journalists working in Africa. CPJ confirmed that in 2000, five journalists were killed specifically because of their…

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Attacks on the Press 2000: Djibouti

AS SPORADIC GUN BATTLES CONTINUED BETWEEN GOVERNMENT FORCES AND REBELS of the United Revolutionary Front (FRUD), state broadcast and print outlets tailored their coverage to the propaganda needs of President Ismael Omar Guelleh’s government. The opposition press, led by the weekly papers La Republique, Le Temps, and Le Renouveau, was little more objective. The civil…

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24 JOURNALISTS KILLED FOR THEIR WORK IN 2000 Highest Tolls in Colombia, Russia, and Sierra Leone

New York, January 4, 2001 — Of the 24 journalists killed for their work in 2000, according to CPJ research, at least 16 were murdered, most of those in countries where assassins have learned they can kill journalists with impunity. This figure is down from 1999, when CPJ found that 34 journalists were killed for…

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2011 Impunity Index Data

cccccc ffffff ffffff 13 dddddd 330000 90 1 – 13 aa9988 Iraq]]> Unsolved Murders: 92 Population: 31.5m Index Rank: 1 1 /reports/map/circle.swf?n=1&c=f90000 35,43.679291 /killed/mideast/iraq/murder.php 45 Somalia]]> Unsolved Murders: 10 Population: 9.1m Index Rank: 2 2 /reports/map/circle.swf?n=2&c=f60000 3,43.679291 /killed/africa/somalia/murder.php 43 Philippines]]> Unsolved Murders: 56 Population: 92m Index Rank: 3 3 /reports/map/circle.swf?n=3&c=f30000 12.879721,121.774017 /killed/asia/philippines/murder.php 41 Sri Lanka]]>…

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Attacks on the Press 1999: Table of Contents

PREFACE by Philip Gourevitch INTRODUCTION by Ann Cooper REGIONAL ANALYSES: Africa | Americas | Asia | Europe and Central Asia | Middle East and North Africa AFRICA: Country summaries Angola | Benin | Botswana | |Burkina Faso | Burundi | Cameroon | Chad | Comoros | Republic of Congo | Democratic Republic of Congo |…

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Board of Directors

CPJ’s board of directors is comprised of journalists, media executives, and leaders from related professions. They provide strategic guidance to the organization, participate in advocacy missions, and facilitate meetings, including some with high-level government officials. Senior Advisers CPJ’s senior advisers include leading journalists and others whose advice and service greatly benefit the organization.

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118 Journalists Imprisoned in 25 Countries

Washington, D.C., March 25 — The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) reported today in its annual worldwide study of press freedom that at least 118 journalists were in prison in 25 countries at the end of 1998, and 24 journalists in 17 countries were murdered during the year in reprisal for their reporting.

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Attacks on the Press in 1998

CPJ Confirms 472 Journalists Killed, 1989-1998 Attacks on the Press in 1998 Introduction: Attacks on the Press 1998 Preface: Attacks on the Press 1998 Africa Overview: Attacks on the Press 1998 Angola: Attacks on the Press 1998 Burkina: Attacks on the Press 1998 Burundi: Attacks on the Press 1998 Cameroon: Attacks on the Press 1998…

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