


Journalist arrested; Syria crackdown continues

New York, April 14, 2011–Syrian authorities continued a weeks-long crackdown on journalists reporting on anti-government protests as security agents arrested another member of the news media on Saturday, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

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Burundi Tribune

Burundi seeks life sentence for Kavumbagu

New York, April 14, 2011–A Burundi state prosecutor asked a panel of judges on Wednesday to hand journalist Jean-Claude Kavumbagu, who has been imprisoned since July 2010 over a column critical of the country’s security forces, the maximum life sentence on a charge of treason, according to local journalists.

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Substantial setback for press freedom in Egypt

New York, April 13, 2011–A new requirement by the Egyptian military that local print media obtain approval for all mentions of the armed forces before publication is the single worst setback for press freedom in Egypt since the fall of President Hosni Mubarak in February, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.  

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Newspaper headlines report that Bahrain has suspended opposition newspaper Al-Wasat. (Reuters)

Bahraini blogger dies in custody; journalists under attack

New York, April 12, 2011– The Committee to Protect Journalists called on Bahraini authorities to launch an immediate and thorough investigation into the death of a blogger while in state custody. Bahraini authorities, meanwhile, announced that they would file criminal charges against three senior editors at the Gulf kingdom’s premier independent daily, continuing a months-long…

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Swaziland security forces target journalists

New York, April 12, 2011–Authorities in the kingdom of Swaziland should allow the news media to report freely on anti-government protests, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today after security forces harassed at least 10 local and international journalists covering a mass demonstration demanding political and economic reform after more than two decades of rule…

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Andrzej Poczobut (AP)

Belarus jails prominent journalist and adds new charge

New York, April 12, 2011–Belarusian authorities must drop politicized libel and insult charges against Andrzej Poczobut, a Grodno-based correspondent for Poland’s largest daily, Gazeta Wyborcza, and release him immediately, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

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Magdi Hilali among detained. (MBC)

More journalists held in Libya; blogger jailed in Egypt

New York, April 11, 2011–Continuing a weeks-long pattern of seizing journalists covering the Libyan conflict, the government of Muammar Qaddafi is detaining two more television journalists, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. And in Egypt, in a serious setback for press freedom under the transitional government, a court has sentenced a blogger to a…

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Ethiopia should allow German broadcasts

New York, April 11, 2011–The Committee to Protect Journalists is calling on authorities in Ethiopia to ensure that broadcasts of the German state-funded station Deutsche Welle, which had been jammed, be allowed to air freely. Local journalists confirmed a report by the Bonn-based international broadcaster that its programs were inaudible in Ethiopia last week until…

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Critical Brazilian TV journalist shot dead

New York, April 11, 2011–Brazilian authorities must thoroughly investigate the slaying of radio and television journalist Luciano Leitão Pedrosa, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Pedrosa, known for his critical coverage of local authorities and criminal groups, was shot Saturday night at a restaurant in Vitória de Santo Antão in northeastern Pernambuco state, according…

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Matthew VanDyke

Journalist missing in Libya; 1 killed in Iraq

New York, April 8, 2011–The Committee to Protect Journalists is concerned about the fate of American freelance journalist Matthew VanDyke, who has been missing in Libya since mid-March, according to his family and news reports. He is among 15 reporters either missing or in government custody in Libya.

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